Installation and Deployment on Linux*


You can use standard Linux* tools such as ftp and telnet to deploy ASF to multiple computers on your network


Table 1 describes the files provided with the ASF components.

Table 1. Included Files

File Description
asfd-x.x.x-xxxxxxx.bin.i386.rpm Pre-compiled binary RPM, for installing on a specific machine.
asfd-x.x.x-xxxxxxx.i386.rpm Source RPM, requires some compilation on the target machine. For this to work, kernel sources must be installed on the machine.

Table 2 describes the components that are included in the RPMs.

Table 2. Included Components

Component   Description
asfd /usr/sbin ASF daemon (starts on machine boot)
asfwdg.o /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/kernel/drivers/sensors Watchdog module, for enabling watchdog operation
i2c-i8254x.o, i2c-i82551.o /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/kernel/drivers/i2c The "bitbang" modules, for accessing the adapter's smbus /usr/lib Dynamic API library for running applications that have an interface with the ASF daemon
asfrules.ini /etc/asfd Internal configuration file
asfd.conf /etc/asfd (after first user configuration) File for storing the current ASF system configuration
asfd /etc/init.d Script that controls the loading/unloading of the ASF daemon
asfcli /usr/sbin Command line application for configuring the ASF daemon
alertapp  /usr/sbin GUI for configuring the ASF daemon
Documentation files /usr/share/doc (README, licenses)
/usr/share/man (man page)

Installing and Updating the Intel PRO Alerting Agent

Install the Intel PRO Alerting Agent on computers that support ASF.

Installation Prerequisites

Before you install Intel's ASF for Linux package, ensure you have the following:

NOTE: The Linux drivers are available on Intel's Customer Support website at:

Installing and Updating the Agent

The supplied RPM files are used for installing and updating the Intel PRO Alerting Agent.

NOTE: The filename parameter must be specific to the application version you are using. It is the entire filename for the RPM, in the form asfd-x.x.x-xxx.i386.rpm. For example, asfd-3.1.1-07L.i386.rpm.

1. Login as root.

2. Determine whether or not a previous version of the RPM is installed:

rpm -q asfd

3. If you have a previous version of this RPM installed, use the following command to update the RPM:

rpm -U filename

You can also uninstall the previous version before installing the new RPM. See Uninstalling the Agent for details on how to do this.

4. If no other version of the RPM is installed on the system, install the new RPM:

rpm -i filename

Uninstalling the Intel PRO Alerting Agent

To remove the RPM after it has been installed, enter:

rpm -e asfd

Last modified on 7/26/07 1:21p Revision 10