Alert Standard Format (ASF) Modules for Linux* Operating Systems ======================================================== January 30, 2006 Contents ======== - Overview - Prerequisites - Features - Installation Overview ======== Intel's Alert Standard Format (ASF) Modules for Linux* is a software suite that enables alerting on devices running a Linux operating system. It works with Intel PRO/100 and PRO/1000 adapters. ASF is a technology that provides benefits such as system health monitoring, physical asset security, and remote control. It is used in systems from mobile PC's to desktops, workstations, and servers. The Intel ASF Modules for Linux package consists of kernel modules for ASF functionality. For instructions on installing this package, see the Installation section below. Prerequisites ============= Before you install Intel's ASF for Linux package, ensure you have the following: - Red Hat* 8.0, Red Hat 9.0, Red Hat EL3.0 WS, or SuSE* 8.0, SuSE 8.1 (with kernel 2.4.18 or higher), SuSE 8.2, SuSE 8.3. Features ======== This package includes the following features: - Enabling watchdog operation - Accessing SMBus of an adapter Installation ============ The ASF Modules for Linux package includes these components/files: - asfwdg.o (installed under /lib/modules//kernel/drivers/sensors) watchdog module, for enabling watchdog operation - i2c-i8254x.o, i2c-i82551.o (installed under /lib/modules//kernel/drivers/i2c) the "bitbang" modules, for accessing the adapter's smbus - mng_host_if.o (installed under /lib/modules//kernel/ drivers/char) host interface driver, providing an interface to certain Intel adapters. - documentation files: README, licenses (installed under /usr/share/doc) RPM file provided: - asf-modules-x.x.x-xxL.i386.rpm: RPM containg source files, requires some compilation on the target machine. For this to work, kernel sources must be installed on the machine. Installing an RPM file ---------------------- NOTE: The parameter must be specific to the driver version you are using. It is the entire filename for the RPM, in the form 'asf-modules-x.x.x-xxL.i386.rpm'. For example, 'asf-modules-4.0.0-10L.i386.rpm'. 1. Login as root. 2. Determine whether or not a previous version of the RPM is installed: rpm -q asf-modules 3. If you have a previous version of this RPM installed, use the following command to update the RPM: rpm -U You can also uninstall the previous version before installing the new RPM. To remove the RPM, enter: rpm -e asf-modules 4. If no other version of the RPM is installed on the system, install the new RPM: rpm -i Legal Disclaimer ================ INTEL CONFIDENTIAL Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's prior express written permission. No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be expressed and approved by Intel in writing. Intel's Alert Standard Format (ASF) for Linux includes components that are released under GPL license, as indicated below: Components in asf-modules-.i386.rpm: GPL: ASF Watchdog driver - asfwdg.o, sources under /usr/src/asfd-x.x.x/watchdog. Bitbang drivers - i2c-i8254x.o, i2c-i82551.o, sources under /usr/src/asfd-x.x.x/bitbang. Host interface driver mng_host_if.o, sources under /usr/src/asfd-x.x.x/host-if * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.