Alert Standard Format (ASF) for Linux* Operating Systems Software Development Kit Files ======================================================== January 30, 2006 Contents ======== - Overview - Prerequisites - Installation - Available Commands - Known Issues Overview ======== This file describes the Software Development Kit (SDK) files for Intel's Alert Standard Format (ASF) for Linux* software suite. The SDK package includes an Application Program Interface (API) for applications to configure ASF adapters on Linux systems. It also includes a sample application and source code, as well as some utilities. Prerequisites ============= In order to use Intel's ASF for Linux with the SDK files described below, you must have the ASF daemon (asfd) installed and running on the machine. For information and installation instructions for the daemon, see the readme included with Intel's ASF for Linux package. Installation ============ The SDK files are provided in a tar file. To install the tar file, move the file to the directory of your choice and untar/unzip the archive with the 'tar zxf ' command. The SDK files include: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ libasfd.a static API library dynamic API library AsfConfigDefines.h API header file AsfAgentApi.h API header file asfcli sample command-line application, using the API asf_remote sample script for configuring the ASF agent remotely asfcli_src Directory holding the source code for the asfcli application LICENSE.api_src_files license file LICENSE.app_lib license file README user text file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: and asfcli are also included in Intel's ASF for Linux RPM file. Available Commands ================== asfcli Sample Application ------------------------- To configure ASF, copy the asfcli application to a directory of your choice. Use the asfcli command as follows, from the directory in which it was installed: ./asfcli [options] The following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the asfcli command, as shown above: ======================================================================== OPTION DESCRIPTION ======================================================================== init Initializes the internal structures of the agent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ timers Shows heartbeat, watchdog, ASF sensors, and management console pinging timers settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ adapters Lists the available adapters for alerting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ status Displays alerting status information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ funcs Displays a list of supported remote control functions and their state (enabled/disabled) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sethb Sets the interval for heartbeat messages (in seconds) If interval is 0, heartbeat is disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setwd Sets the watchdog expiration interval (in seconds) If interval is 0, watchdog is disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setping Sets the interval between pings to the management console (proxy update) If interval is 0, proxy update is disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setcom Sets the SNMP community string for PET packets ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setfunc Sets the state of a remote-control function enabled | disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setmon Sets the ASF sensors monitoring interval ------------------------------------------------------------------------ disable Disables alerting on the current ASF adapter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ apply [adapter] Applies the configuration and enables ASF on adapter Sends alerts to the indicated host/IP address is the management console If [adapter] is missing, an adapter is selected automatically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version Displays the asfcli version information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ platform Checks whether the platform supports ASF 2.0 security ------------------------------------------------------------------------ secadapt Checks whether the adapter is ASF 2.0 security capable ------------------------------------------------------------------------ secfunc Checks whether the remote control function is secure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ haskeys Checks whether ASF 2.0 security keys are set ------------------------------------------------------------------------ suppfunc Checks whether the remote control function is supported on adapter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setkeys Set ASF 2.0 security keys (each should be 40 characters long) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Special characters such as: !@#$%^&*() or additional spaces are allowed in the command setcom parameter. Enclose the characters inside “ “ or ( ) delimeters. Special characters are not allowed in any other command. asf_remote Sample Script ------------------------ On the configured machine, run the asfd daemon, and make sure that the asfcli application is installed in /usr/sbin/asfcli. On the remote machine, run the asf_remote script: asf_remote ..." Available keywords: USERNAME PASSWORD TARGET ENABLE DESTINATIONIP PING PINGINTERVAL HEARTBEAT HEARTBEATINTERVAL WATCHDOG WATCHDOGINTERVAL SNMPCOMMUNITY ADAPTER These keywords correspond to commands in the asfcli applications. The keywords DESTINATIONIP and ADAPTER are obligatory. Defaults: TARGET - localhost, USERNAME - name of user running the script. The USERNAME used must be a superuser on the configured machine. For boolean values, use the strings true/false. The script uses telnet to access the remote machine. It has a defined timeout for reaching the remote machine (defined in the top section of the script). For setups that require a longer timeout value, the value defined in the script can be edited and changed. Known Issues ============ Linking to Supplied Libraries on Red Hat 8 and Red Hat 9 ------------------------------------------------------- - When linking an application/object with the static library libasfd.a on Red Hat 8 and Red Hat 9 machines, it is required to also explicitly link to the library, whether using gcc or g++. - When linking an application/object with either the static library libasfd.a, or the dynamic library, on Red Hat 8 and Red Hat 9 machines using "gcc", it is required to also explicitly link to the library. Legal Disclaimer ================ INTEL CONFIDENTIAL Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's prior express written permission. No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be expressed and approved by Intel in writing. The Software Development Kit (SDK) package for Intel's Alert Standard Format (ASF) for Linux includes components that are released under either a Binary or BSD license, as indicated below: Components in asfd-sdk-.tar.gz: BSD: API header files: AsfConfigDefines.h, AsfAgentApi.h Remote configuration script: asf_remote Command Line application source files - in the asfcli_src directory Binary: ASF Daemon API libraries -, libasfd.a Command Line application - asfcli * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.