Intel® Network Adapters WMI Provider


The Intel® Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider enables WMI-based management applications such as Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager to monitor and configure the status of PCI network adapters. Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider uses WMI, a user-level instrumentation technology for the Microsoft Windows* platform.

WMI is a middleware layer that allows measurement and instrumentation information to be collected from kernel mode data providers. This information can then be provided to local or remote user-mode data consumers through the use of a common set of interfaces (Web-based Enterprise Management called WBEM). WMI is a data-independent pipeline between the data consumer and the data provider that makes no assumptions about the format of the data.

A guide is available on this distribution, which contains detailed information on the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider, also referred to as Network Configuration Services (NCS2) WMI Providers. This guide is located in \APPS\WMI\DOCS. The technical reference paper describes the external view of NCS2 WMI providers so WMI-based management applications could use it to manage the network configuration for the Intel adapters.

System Requirements

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports all Intel PRO/100, Gigabit, and 10GbE network adapters.


The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider are installed as part of Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager software installation. See the Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager section for more information on how to install Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Typical Setup Type registers the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider into the root\IntelNCS2 namespace.

Supported Standards

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports the standards based CIM 2.6 specification.

Known Issues

DMI-SNMP Instrumentation

This Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider cannot jointly operate with the Intel® DMI-SNMP instrumentation.

Missing Instances under Microsoft Windows Vista*

You must elevate (i.e., embed a manifest file) in your application in order to access all of the Intel WMI classes.

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:26a Revision 10