Gigabit Network Driver for UnixWare* and OpenServer* 6

NOTE: UnixWare 7 and OpenServer 6 share the same kernel, and thus the same network driver.
If you have OpenServer version 5, Please refer to the installation instructions for OpenServer.

Installation and Configuration

When installing and configuring network adapters, you may need to refer to SCO* UnixWare* documentation. Have this documentation available during the installation process.

To install the e1008g.pkg file you must be logged in as the root or super user.

To ensure predictable behavior when installing network adapters, remove the configuration settings for all adapters and reboot the system prior to configuring new adapters or reconfiguring installed adapters (see instructions below). For maximum system stability, it is recommended that all network adapters be configured with the same driver type.


The Intel Gigabit adapter driver for SCO UnixWare is packaged in the e1008g.pkg file. To install the e1008g.pkg file and setup the e1008g (DDI8) driver for a network adapter, use the following steps:

  1. Make sure no other users are logged on and all user applications are closed.

  2. Start the Network Configuration Manager:


  3. Remove any adapters that are configured with the old drivers by selecting the Hardware menu -> Remove Network Device.

    Exit the Network Configuration Manager.

  4. Verify that there is not an older version of the driver on the system:

    pkginfo -l e1008g

    If there is, remove the driver:

    pkgrm e1008g

    Reboot the system:

    init 6
  5. If you are installing the new driver from the CD, follow these steps. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    Mount the CDROM on the system. For example:

    mkdir /<cdrom_mount_location>
    mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /<cdrom_mount_location>

    You can install the driver directly from the CDROM or spool the driver from the CDROM so the driver resides on the system. Example of installing the driver directly from the CD:

    pkgadd –d /<cdrom_mount_location>/PRO1000/UNIXWARE/e1008g.pkg

    Example of spooling the driver from the CD to the system:

    pkgadd -s spool –d /<cdrom_mount_location>/PRO1000/UNIXWARE/e1008g.pkg e1008g
    pkgadd e1008g
  6. If you are downloading the latest driver, save the package to a directory on your system; for example, the /tmp directory.

    You can install the driver from this directory or spool the driver from the directory so the driver resides on the system. Example of installing the driver from the directory:

    pkgadd –d /<dir_location>/e1008g.pkg

    Example of spooling the driver from the directory to the system:

    pkgadd -s spool –d /<dir_location>/e1008g.pkg e1008g
    pkgadd e1008g
  7. Run netcfg and add the adapters. For each adapter that is present in the system, enter the appropriate TCP/IP parameters. By default, the driver automatically detects the line speed and duplex mode. If you want to force any of these settings, choose Advanced Options and set the speed and duplex modes.

Detailed information on driver features and configuration can be found in the space.c file and the driver man page.


Known Issues

Symptom Description
Limitations with the Network Configuration Manager cause some Gigabit adapter names that are not installed in the system to appear in the list of adapters. The Intel® PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Network Connection Adapter is also shown as an Intel® PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter.

The Intel® PRO/1000 MT Network Connection Adapter is also shown as an Intel® PRO/1000 F Server Adapter.

The Intel® PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter is also shown as an Intel PRO/1000 MT Network Connection Adapter.

The e1008g driver may identify certain 100 adapters as Intel® Gigabit Network Adapters.


  • Install and configure all Intel PRO/100 adapters prior to installing gigabit adapters.

  • If you are installing a MT Dual Port Network Connection Adapter, ignore the entry for the MF Server Adapter when you select Add New LAN Adapter.

  • If you are installing a MT Network Connection Adapter, ignore the entry for the F Server Adapter when you select Add New LAN Adapter.

  • If you are installing a MT Server Adapter, ignore the entry for the MT Network Connection Adapter when you select Add New LAN Adapter.

AMT is not supported on SCO or UnixWare and must be disabled on these systems.  

Last modified on 11/29/07 11:56a Revision 12