Steps for Utilizing the SWR5 Driver Update (RPM) Package 1) The SWR5 driver update package utilizes the DKMS package which can be found at the following link (can be subject to change): 2) Download the Latest stable RPM. The format will be: dkms-x.x.xx.x-x.noarch.rpm 3) Save it in a folder on the system, then open up a Terminal window and navigate to the folder. 4) Install the dkms rpm first using the following command: rpm -ivh dkms-x.x.xx.x-x.noarch.rpm 5) Install the megasr-dkms rpm using the following command: rpm -ivh megasr-x.x.xx.x-x.noarch.rpm 6) The driver should now be compiled and loaded. Reboot the system to verify that the driver has been updated. NOTES: - It is advisable that the kernel source packages are installed before the RPM package is applied. - The SWR5 RPM package applies to those kernels that are included in the driver package. Successful Use with other kernels nor compatibility with older DKMS & MegaSR RPM packages is not guaranteed.