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Display Mode Setting: XGI User's Guide
User Interface Description
Function Description
Display Mode Setting can be used to change screen resolution, color quality and monitor refresh. It also can be used to detect the monitor supported display modes. Please note that the Utility will show when the Hareware acceleration be turned to Full speed.
Please refer Figure1 and Figure2.
Figure 1 Hareware acceleration with NONE speed

Figure 2 Hareware acceleration with FULL speed

Figure 3 Display Mode Settings

- Display Mode Page
- Support Modes: The title of the combo box shows the supported display modes of the current connected device.
- Monitor supported display modes detection: This button can be used to detect current device connection and retrieved the current supported display modes.
- Change screen resolution, color quality and monitor refresh.
- Deivce's support display modes detection.
- Software environment
- Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 or later.
- XGI Volari display driver.
- Hardware environment
- CPU Pentium III (or above), or AMD Athlon processor (or above)
- VGA monitor (or LCD with D-sub interface).
- XGI Volari VGA display adapter.
- LCD (with DVI interface) is optional.
Please read all restrictions and disclaimers.
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