========================== System Requirements ========================== This version of Winpower requires 1. At least 128 MB RAM (256MB RAM recommended) 2. A minimum of 8-bit color depth (256 colors) 3. A minimum 800x600 resolution (1024x768 recommended) 4. 160 MB hard disk space ================================== Platforms supported ================================== Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT with sp6 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Linux x86 Mac OS X Solaris/Sparc 2.6, 7, 8, 9 Solaris/Intel 2.6, 7, 8, 9 HP-UX PA-RISC 11.x,11i.x AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2 Compaq Tru64 SCO UnixWare 7.1.1, 7.1.3 SCO Unix 8.0 FreeBSD 4.x SGI Irix 6.5.x ======================== Communication Interface ======================== Winpower can monitor not more than four COM ports and one USB port in a PC. Only in Windows 98/2000/2003/XP/Vista, Mac OS X and Linux(with kernel 2.6) can use the USB port. ================== Installation ================== Note: The installation should be made as "root" in Linux, Unix and Mac OS X platforms! 1. Enter the right directory of the CD according your platform type. --------------------- For Windows Platform: --------------------- Run \Windows\setup.exe to start the installation. In Vista, you should run setup.exe as administrator. Right click on the setup icon, then select "Run as administrator". If a "user account control" dialog pops up, then select "Allow". ---------------------- For Mac OS X Platform: ---------------------- Double click the \MacOSX\Disk1\InstData\setup.app to start the installation. ------------------------- For Linux 32bit Platform: ------------------------- Enter /Linux directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. ------------------------- For Linux AMD64bit Platform: ------------------------- Enter /LinuxAMD64 directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. -------------------------- For Solaris(x86) Platform: -------------------------- Enter /Solaris directory, execute ./setup_x86.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_x86_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. -------------------------- For Solaris(sparc) Platform: -------------------------- Enter /Solaris directory, execute ./setup_sparc.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_sparc_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. ------------------------- For HpUx Platform: ------------------------- Enter /HPUX directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. ------------------------- For AIX Platform: ------------------------- Enter /AIX directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. ------------------------- For FreeBSD Platform: ------------------------- Enter /FreeBSD directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. ----------------------------------------------------- For Other Platforms(such as:SCO UnixWare,SCO Unix,Tru64,Irix): ----------------------------------------------------- For these platforms,You must install JRE1.3.1(Java Runtime Environment) before carrying out the Winpower installation. The JRE install package usually can be found in the System's install CD, or can be download from the System's web site. Enter /GenericUnix directory, execute ./setup.bin(GUI mode) or ./setup_console.bin(console mode) to start the installation. 2. Read the information provided, then press ENTER to continue the installation. 3. When the installation program is completed, click Done. 4. Reboot the Linux and Unix system after installation. The installation will set enviroment variables for Winpower in /etc/profile file.(details see 'Set environment variable' below) Reboot the system in order to make this settings valid. ==================== Running Winpower ==================== Winpower is made up of two components: Agent(background process) and Monitor(foreground application). In Windows and Linux, Agent will auto start when these system start. For other platforms, user must start the Agent manually. --------------------------- For Windows Vista Platform --------------------------- 1) Start Agent When the computer boots up, the Winpower will run automatically. You can see the green icon on the system tool bar when you logon. 2) Start Monitor Move the cursor on the Winpower TrayIcon on the right bottom corner of the desktop, and click the mouse right button. Run "Start Monitor" from the popup menu. 3) Stop Agent Move the cursor on the TrayIcon, and click "Stop Agent". 4) Stop TrayIcon Right click the TrayIcon and select the "Exit" menu item. Once you exit it, you should restart the computer to start it automatically. But if you have administrator privilege, you can start it by starting service without restart. --------------------------- For other Windows Platform --------------------------- 1) Start Agent Run "Winpower" from "Start\Progrom\Winpower" directory to start Winpower Icon and Agent. Or run "Start Agent" from the Tray Icon's popup menu if Icon has been started. 2) Start Monitor Move the cursor on the Winpower Tray Icon on the right bottom corner of the desktop, and click the mouse right button. Run "Start Monitor" from the popup menu. 3) Stop Agent Move the cursor on the Tray Icon, and click the mouse right button. Run "Exit" from the popup menu to stop Agent and Icon. Run "Stop Agent" to stop Agent only. ---------------------- For Mac OS X Platform ---------------------- 1) Start Agent: Double click the agent link in "Applications/Winpower" directory to start the Agent. Or Open the Terminal from ˇ°Applications/Utilities/Terminalˇ±, execute commands: cd ./agent start 2) Start Monitor: Double click the executable monitor link in "Applications/Winpower" directory to start Monitor. You can also start it in terminal by enter install directory and execute command: ./monitor 3) Stop Agent: enter install directory and execute command: ./agent stop Note: is the Winpower Installation Folder. The default installation folder is "/opt/MonitorSoftware" in Linux, Unix and Mac OS X platform. ------------------------ For Other Platforms ------------------------ 1) Start Agent Open the Terminal,execute command: cd ./agent start 2) Start Monitor execute command: cd ./monitor 3) Open the Terminal, enter install directory: and execute command: ./agent stop Note: is the Winpower Installation Folder. The default installation folder is "/opt/MonitorSoftware" in Linux, Unix and Mac OS X platform. =============== Get Full Access =============== In "System" menu, click "Act as Administrator" menu item to start the "Administrator" dialog, enter correct password to get full access. The default password is set to "Administrator".It can be changed in "Modify Administrator Password" dialog. ===================== Communicate with UPS ===================== Click the "Auto Search UPS" menu item from "System" menu in Winpower Manager Window to auto search the UPS connected with Computer. =================== Uninstallation =================== --------------- For Windows OS --------------- Before uninstall Winpower,your must stop all Smart Powewr program first! Otherwise it can't be uninstall completely. Run the "Uninstall Winpower" from "Start\Progrom\Winpower" directory to start the uninstall program. In Vista, right click and select "Run as administrator". -------------- For Other OS -------------- Open the Terminal, enter install directory: and execute command: ./Uninstall ================================ Set environment variable ================================ ---------------------------------------------------- For Linux, Solaris, Tru64, UnixWare, Irix platforms ---------------------------------------------------- The installation will copy the shared library to /lib, then export the directory name in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This would look like this: #! bin/sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH --------------------- For FreeBSD platform --------------------- Set environment variable look like this: #! bin/csh setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib ----------------- For AIX platform ----------------- The shared library must be in the path pointed to by LIBPATH environment variable. #! bin/sh LIBPATH=/lib:$LIBPATH export LIBPATH ------------------ For HpUX platform ------------------ The shared library must be in the path pointed to by SHLIB_PATH environment variable. #! bin/sh SHLIB_PATH=/lib:$SHLIB_PATH export SHLIB_PATH ------------------------ For MAC OS X platform ------------------------ The shared library must be in the path pointed to by DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. #! bin/sh DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH Note: is the Winpower Installation Folder. The default installation folder is "/opt/MonitorSoftware" in Linux, Unix and Mac OS X platform.