--------------------------------------- CS4281 DRIVER KIT PS5018 --------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES --------------------------------------- SYS style Windows NT Driver Version 5018 --------------------------------------- Release Date May 11, 2000 --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Document contains the following: 1. Driver Kit Files 2. Installing Crystal Audio Drivers 3. Uninstalling Crystal Audio Drivers 4. Copyright and Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Driver Kit Files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The driver kit consists of the following 12 files : CWCAUDIO INF 30,050 12-20-99 5:15a CWCFM SY_ 14,161 12-20-99 5:15a CWCFM3 DL_ 14,695 12-20-99 5:15a CWGMSG SY_ 6,748 12-20-99 5:15a CWRGAL DA_ 1,622 12-20-99 5:15a CWRGAL SY_ 46,461 12-20-99 5:15a CWRGAL3 SY_ 16,796 12-20-99 5:15a CWRLANG DA_ 9,971 12-20-99 5:15a CWRMMSYS DL_ 140,083 12-20-99 5:15a CWRMMSYS SY_ 43,553 12-20-99 5:15a MIDIMAP CFG 20,090 12-20-99 5:15a OEMSETUP INF 736 12-20-99 5:15a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installing Crystal Audio Drivers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy the files on the diskette to a directory on the hard drive, or you may install from floppy. 2. Double click the MULTIMEDIA icon in the control panel. The Multimedia Properties windows will appear. Click on the Devices tab and press the Add button. 3. Select "Unlisted or Updated Drivers" from the list of drivers in the Add window by placing the mouse pointer over it and clicking the left mouse button. Press the OK button. 4. The Install Driver dialog box will appear and request the path of the location of the drivers to be installed. Enter A:\ if you are installing the driver from a floppy disk. Otherwise, you may provide the location to the driver files in your hard drive. Press the OK button. 5. The label "SoundFusion(tm)" is displayed on the dialog box. Press OK to continue with the installation. 6. Windows NT will display a dialog box asking you to restart your system. Press the Restart Now button to complete the installation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Uninstalling or Updating Crystal Audio Drivers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Double click on the MULTIMEDIA icon in the control panel. Select the Devices tab from the Multimedia properties window. 2. Double click on the Audio Devices entry from the Multimedia devices list. Select the driver by placing the mouse pointer over the label "Audio for SoundFusion(tm)" and clicking the left mouse button. 3. Press the REMOVE button. 4. A question box will appear to verify your decision. Press the YES button. 5. WindowsNT will dislplay a dialog box asking you to restart your system. Press the Restart Now button to complete the Un-installation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Copyright and Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * All brands and product names noted herein are the property or trademarks of their respective holders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cirrus Logic, 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------