[INSTALLING THE AUDIORACK32] You must have Windows95 installed prior to using the AudioRack32. After placing the AudioRack32 disk in a floppy drive, click START on the taskbar and choose RUN from the popup menu. In the Run dialog box, type the letter of the drive and "setup" (for example, a:\setup), then click OK. The first AudioRack32 Setup dialog box appears. Note the instructions, then click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to leave Setup. Next the Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. Click NEXT to install the AudioRack32 in the default directory or BROWSE to choose a different directory. When you are done click OK or CANCEL to return to the Choose Destination Location dialog box. If the directory you designate doesn't exist, you will be asked to confirm your selection. Click YES to proceed or NO to go back and enter a new destination directory. Once you have chosen the default directory or entered a directory of your own choosing, the Setup program will install the AudioRack32. [CHANGE SETTINGS] >> DISABLE EJECT BUTTON ON THE CD PLAYER In the file "auddrive.ini", there is a string "DisableEjectButton=0" under the section "cdplayer". If you would like to disable EJECT button on the CD player, you can change the value from 0 to 1. You need to close AudioRack and launch it again to make the new settings take effect. Auddrive.ini is a configuration file located in your Windows directory. If it does not exist, you can generate it by launching AudioRack. >> USE AUDIORACK CD PLAYER AS THE DEFAULT CD PLAYER During installation, you will be asked if you want to use AudioRack CD player as the default CD player. Normally Windows 95 CD player is the default. If you answer "YES", the installation program will overwrite the value of the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT]\AudioCD\shell\play\command in registry. You may switch back to Windows 95 CD player any time by resetting this key value. >> CONFIGURE PLAYBACK MIXER The ES1878/978 AudioDrive chip offers nine inputs for the playback mixer, including "Line", "Wave", "Mic", "CD", "Synth", "AuxB", "IIS", "PCspk", and one mappable input (default "X-Mic"). AudioRack can display only six of them at one time. You may configure the settings by modifying the file "auddrive.ini" on the installation disk. Under the section "MixerRak", you can enanle (disable) the display of each input by setting its corresponding key value to be 1 (0). [KNOWN PROBLEMS] >> RECORD MODE AND THE ES1868 If your audio hardware includes the ES1868 AudioDrive chip, the Monitor button and Master Volume controls will be disabled in Record Mode. The ES1868 does not support these functions in Record Mode. For more information see "Multiplexers" in the Online Help or the AudioRack32 for Windows95 User Guide. [TECHNICAL SUPPORT] Please contact your hardware manufacturer/vendor for upgrades and technical support.