SetupDS Ver3.09 YAMAHA Coraporaton September 17, 1998 Copyright (C) 1998 YAMAHA Corpoaration All Rights Reserved. Index 1. About SetupDS.EXE 2. Startup 3. Operation 4. Default Settings 5. Error Messages 6. Cautions of use ------------------------------------------ 1. About SETUPDS.EXE ------------------------------------------ SETUPDS.EXE is an application that makes settings to allow the DS-XG to be used in a DOS environment. SETUPDS.EXE makes DS-XG settings when the PC is started up. It is also used to modify settings after the DS-XG has been installed in the PC. Setting data is preserved in the ds.ini file. ------------------------------------------ 2. Startup ------------------------------------------ Enter the following at the command line. SETUPDS [/s][/d][/?] (/s,d,? are options) When SETUPDS is executed without options, a setting dialog box will appear. /s option: SETUPDS will set the DS-XG to the I/O port, IRQ, DMA, and volume specified in the ds.ini file. Then the contents of the settings will be displayed, and the program will exit. (In this case, it is not possible to modify the settings.) /d option: SETUPDS will display the current settings. /? option: SETUPDS will display an explanation of the options. ------------------------------------------ 3. Operation ------------------------------------------ When SETUPDS is executed without options, a setting dialog box will appear. Here you can perform the following operations. < When using the keyboard > [ up ] [ down] keys ---> change items and modify values [ + ] [ - ] keys ---> adjust the volume value [ Enter ] key ---> select items and finalize values [ Esc ] key ---> cancel < About Sound Test > The Sound Test item is a function which allows you to verify that sound is correctly output from the monitor speaker or headphones connected to the DS-XG. If you modify the settings, we recommend that you use this function to verify that sound is output correctly. If there is no sound nor was an error dialog displayed, please check whether the volume setting is too low. If an error dialog was displayed, refer to "5. Error messages" and change the settings appropriately. < Exiting the program > In the main menu, press [ ESC ], and then select "EXIT" or "SAVE & EXIT." If you select "EXIT" the settings will not be modified. If you select "SAVE & EXIT," your changes will be saved in ds.ini, and the modified settings will be applied. However if your settings would cause the sound to not be output normally, an error dialog will appear, and you will be unable to exit the program. Either change your settings, or select "EXIT" to exit the program. ------------------------------------------ 4. Default settings ------------------------------------------ The factory default settings are as follows. Device I/O IRQ DMA Sound Blaster 220h 5 1 FM 388h - - MPU401 330h 5 - Joystick 201h - - ------------------------------------------ 5. Error messages ------------------------------------------ Here are the error messages generated by SETUPDS.EXE and the appropriate action to be taken for each. "Error : This program does not run in Windows DOS box." ---> SETUPDS does not support the DOS box. "Error : Invalid option. ---> An option other than /s, /d, or /? was specified. "Error : Can't find YAMAHA DS-XG." ---> The DS-XG is not installed in the PC. "Error : Can't access the file ( ds.ini )." ---> The setting information file ds.ini does not exist. Check whether ds.ini is in the same directory as SETUPDS.EXE. "Can't find Sound Blaster at 0xXXX" ---> Sound Blaster is not at I/O 0xXXX. Change the Sound Blaster I/O. "Can't detect Interrupt at IRQ X" ---> The Sound Blaster IRQ X is already in use by another device. Change the Sound Blaster IRQ. "Can't detect DMA at channel X" ---> Either the Sound Blaster DMA X is already in use by another device, or the currently selected DMA mode cannot be used in this environment. If the DMA mode is PC-PCI, check whether the side band is connected. In other cases, change the Sound Blaster DMA or the DMA mode. "Can't find FM at 0xXXX" ---> FM is not at I/O 0xXXX. Change the FM I/O. "Can't find XXXXX.XXX" ---> The file XXXXX.XXX needed by SETUP.EXE was not found. Check that XXXXX.XXX is in the same directory as SETUPDS.EXE. ------------------------------------------ 6. Cautions for use ------------------------------------------ 1. In order to execute SETUPDS.EXE, the following files must be in the same directory as SETUPDS.EXE. dos4gw.exe ds.ini ... setting data file ymh8.wav ... WAV file for sound test ymh16.wav ... WAV file for sound test ymh.mid ... MIDI file for sound test fmmidi.exe ... MIDI file playback software 2. SETUPDS.EXE is an English language utility. Before using it, you must switch to "US" mode. (Applicable only to users of a Japanese-language OS.) 3. Depending on the environment in which the DS-XG is used, all Sound Blaster items may be grayed out and cannot be modified. This indicates that Sound Blaster cannot be used on your PC. 4. Depending on the environment in which the DS-XG is used, INTA# IRQ may be grayed out and not modifiable even if you set the IRQ MODE to INTA#. This is because the same INTA# IRQ is shared by the DS-XG and by devices other than the DS-XG. Please move the DS-XG to a different slot, and execute SETUPDS.EXE once again. (You must turn off the power before removing or inserting the DS-XG in a slot.) 5. Depending on the environment in which the DS-XG is used, the DMA MODE may be grayed out and cannot be modified. This indicates that the DS-XG supports only that particular DMA MODE. 6. Chip sets and modes supported by SetupDS.exe are listed below. YMF724, YMF724B, YMF740, YMF740B, YMF740C 430TX 440LX 440BX ALADDIN4 ALADDIN5 else ISA O O O O O X INTA O O O O O *2 PC-PCI*1 O O O X X X YMF724C, YMF724D, YMF734 430TX 440LX 440BX ALADDIN4 ALADDIN5 else ISA O O O O O O INTA O O O O O *2 S-IRQ *1 O O O O O X PC-PCI*1 O O O X X X D-DMA O X X X X X YMF724E, YMF724F 430TX 440LX 440BX ALADDIN4 ALADDIN5 else ISA O O O O O X INTA O O O O O *2 S-IRQ *1 O O O O O X PC-PCI*1 O O O X X X D-DMA O X O O O X *1 If you wish to use S-IRQ or PC-PCI, the side band (SB link) must be connected. *2 INTA# IRQ cannot be changed.