Thumbnail Viewer
Remote Control - Online Help

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In the Thumbnail Viewer window you can display several AVI or BMP files in button size side by side for preview, comparison, etc. ...

To open this window right-click on the Remote Control and select Thumbnail Viewer.

The Thumbnail Viewer window shows the following menus:
 - if the Title & Menu Bar is hidden, right-click anywhere within the window -




Note: Some of the menu functions are also available via hotkeys.

File Menu


Menu item Function
Select the AVI or BMP file(s) you want to display
 - in button size - 
in the Thumbnail Viewer window
Delete the file(s) selected in the Thumbnail Viewer window
Attention!  The files are deleted from your hard disk,
not only from the Thumbnail Viewer window.
To clear files from the Thumbnail Viewer window
without deleting them, use Remove in the Edit menu.
Title & Menu Bar
Select to display (check mark shown), or hide (no check mark)
- the Thumbnail Viewer menu and
- title and directory path of the selected files
on top of the Thumbnail Viewer window
Always On Top
Select if you want to display the Thumbnail Viewer window
always on top of your screen
Reduces the Thumbnail Viewer window to an icon in the Taskbar
Full-screen view of the Thumbnail Viewer window
Closes the Thumbnail Viewer window
Close All
Closes all Remote Control windows

Edit Menu


Menu item Function
Select All
Select all AVI and/or BMP files
in the Thumbnail Viewer window
Select None
Deselect all previously selected files
in the Thumbnail Viewer window.
Copy the files selected in the Thumbnail
Viewer window to the clipboard.
Remove the selected files from the Thumbnail Viewer window
To load a file to the Thumbnail Viewer window
use Open in the File menu.
To delete a file from the Thumbnail Viewer window and
your hard disk in one go, use Delete in the File menu

Help Menu


Menu item Function
Open this online help file
Program and copyright information