
Drivers & Tools for: EDGE 3D 2000/3000


Release Version 2.30:

(25 kB, 21-May-97)
EDGE 3D: Information file for Win95 driver packages v2.30 (rel. 0597). Please note it before downloading the four packages EDGE230x.EXE.
(8,5 MB, 20-May-97)
EDGE 3D Driver Package v2.30 (rel.0597) for Win 95: Part 1/4. All four files are necessary to download in order to complete the installation. SFX-file. Extract all four files to the default directory (C:\EDGE230\). View the driver's REA
(6,0 MB, 20-May-97)
EDGE 3D Driver Package v2.30 (rel.0597) for Win 95: Part 2/4. All four files are necessary to download in order to complete the installation. SFX-file. Extract all four files to the default directory (C:\EDGE230\). View the driver's REA
(755 kB, 20-May-97)
EDGE 3D Driver Package v2.30 (rel.0597) for Win 95: Part 3/4. All four files are necessary to download in order to complete the installation. SFX-file. Extract all four files to the default directory (C:\EDGE230\). View the driver's READM
(2,0 MB, 20-May-97)
EDGE 3D Driver Package v2.30 (rel.0597) for Win 95: Part 4/4. All four files are necessary to download in order to complete the installation. SFX-file. Extract all four files to the default directory (C:\EDGE230\). View the driver's READM



(1,3 MB, 29-Jan-97)
SciTech's Display Doctor 5.3a for Windows 3.1/95/NT. SFX file. Shareware. Please note registration information.
(1,2 MB, 02-Oct-96)
SciTech's Display Doctor 5.3 for Windows 3.1/95/NT/DOS. SFX file. Shareware. Please note registration information.
(561 kB, 02-Oct-96)
SciTech's Display Doctor 5.3 for DOS only. You only need to download the DOS install if you do not have a copy of Windows installed on your machine. Shareware. Please note registration information.
(43 kB, 09-Sep-96)
EDGE 3D: ICT Patch : Should be used in cases where Edge 3D Installation halts with the message a Diamond card could not be found. SFX file. Note created README. Rel. 0896.
(17 kB, 19-Dec-97)
FAQ about: EDGE 3D 2000/3000. State as of: see upload date. English version.
(12 kB, 19-Dec-97)
Tips/FAQ zu: EDGE 3D 2000/3000. Stand: siehe Upload Datum (in deutsch).
(6 kB, 29-Sep-95)
Test program v1.0 to test the system for its capability to run with Edge board.

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