Source and full text: ========================================================================== 686_p.exe (3KB) - A utility that tricks Windows 95 into thinking that it is running on a Pentium for games that think the 6x86 is a 486. Put it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Read here for more instructions: -------------------------------- Q. Why does Windows 95 identify my Cyrix 6x86 as a 486? Is this a problem? A. The algorithm used in Windows 95 to detect the CPU was completed before the Cyrix 686 was released and therefore the Cyrix 686 responds to the algorithm just as a 486 does. The 6x86 processor is, however, certified by Microsoft for Windows 95. The OEM Service Release 2 of Windows 95 detects the 6x86 properly. It identifies the 6x86 as a CyrixInstead chip. Service Pack 2 of Windows 95 which is scheduled to be released later this year is also suppose to remedy this problem. This misrepresentation in Windows 95 can be a problem with some games that require a Pentium processor to run and query the cpu class to obtain the cpu type to verify that a Pentium system is being used. This query will return 486, unfortunately, on a Cyrix 6x86 and the game is rendered unplayable. I have experienced this personally with Assault Rigs from Psygnosis. Psygnosis supplied a small patch to get around the problem. I do believe that there are also a limited number of other games that behave in this manner also. Q. Is there a workaround to the Windows 95 identification problem? A. I agree that the identification problem does suck, but here is a workaround. I have not done this myself, but I have read reports on that it will work. I have also received email from readers who stated that this worked successfully for them and did not cause any problems. You can get the Windows 95 system to report a 6x86 as a Pentium by having it query the CPUID instruction for a CPU ID. The CPUID is disabled by default. You can enable it with the ibmm1.exe program and Windows 95 will report a Pentium as being used. Using ibmm1.exe, set MAPEN in CCR3 to 1. This will allow the remaining control registers to be accessible and manipulated. In CCR4, the CPUID bit is visible; set that to 1. Once set, Win95a will report a Pentium as the CPU. Win95a must be started with the bit already set. Unfortunately, the processor clears the CPUID bit on a reset. There is no way to save the setting unless you put a program into your autoexec.bat which will set this bit every time the machine boots. Download 686_p.exe or and put it in your autoexec.bat. Select one or the other, but you do not need them both. These files will set this bit for you everytime you start Windows 95. However, read the following warning from the 686 data book: To prevent potential conflicts with other devices which may use ports 22 and 23h to access their registers, the remaining registers (indexes D0-FDh) are accessible only if the MAPEN(3-0) bits in CCR3 are set to 1h. See Figure 2-16 (Page2-28) for more information on the MAPEN(3-0) bit locations. If MAPEN[3-0] = 1h, any access to indexes in the range 00-FFh will not create external I/O bus cycles. Registers with indexes C0-CFh, FE, FFh are accessible regardless of the state of MAPEN[3-0]. If the register index number is outside the C0-CFh or FE-FFh ranges, and MAPEN[3-0] are set to 0h, external I/O bus cycles occur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source & Copyright: 0997