The Diamond Fire GL 4000 provides next-generation workstation graphics on the PC for 3D animation, games development, CAD/CAM, visualization and simulation. Based on Mitsubishi's 3D-RAM and Evans & Sutherland's RealImage 1000 rendering controller, Fire GL 4000's combination of processor and RAM technologies supports hardware texture mapping, double buffering and z-buffering in True Color at 1280 x 1024.
With up to 2 million vertices/sec. the Fire GL 4000 delivers graphics performance previously attainable only on workstations. The Fire GL 4000 combines high rendering and ergonomic performance for maximum productivity with a variety of OpenGL-based CAD and visualization applications. Fire GL 4000 is more than a workstation alternative for high-resolution 3D True Color graphics at ergonomic refresh rates with Windows NT.


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