Releases notes for The ATB Racing Demo -------------------------------------- The ATB racing demo demonstrates the use of bilinear filtering and mipmapping to create a high quality visual appearence. The program supports a split screen mode in which the left half of the screen displays an unfiltered point sampled image and the right side shows a mip mapped, bilinear filtered image. The demo supports a number of different points of view and user input can be used to switch between them and to control a number of other options listed below. Windows version: race.exe Options: -n execute the history event file multiple times -f history event file to use Joystick & Keyboard Control --------------------------- The joystick can be used to acheive limited motion of the viewer Joystick: pushing forward and backward changes the elevation of the viwer. If the trigger is held pushing the joystick forward also moves the viewer forward. Pushing right and left moves the viewer right and left. Keyboard: Escape key = exit program Enter = toggle user input/playback mode Ctrl A = turn sound on/off Ctrl P = performance readout Ctrl D = reset state Ctrl F = turn fog on/off Ctrl J = calibrate joystick Ctrl R = toggle record mode Ctrl W = toggle wireframe mode Ctrl F = toggle fog Ctrl B = toggle bilinear Ctrl M = toggle mipmapping Ctrl T = toggle texture mapping Ctrl S = toggle splash screen Keypad + = increase car speed Keypad - = decrease car speed 1 = driver (in car) view 2 = behind car view 3 = around car view 4 = views from around track 5 = in front of car view F1 = help screen F6 = toggle split screen mode F10 = add lag to vga mode