HEIDI.TXT Version 1.61 To install the latest version of your 3Dlabs Heidi driver, locate your 3DStudio Max 1.x directory on your hard drive and then enter the Drivers sub-directory. Rename the file in there 'wglint.hdi' to 'wglint.bak'. Then copy the new 'wglint.hdi' from this floppy, to the Drivers directory. You can now run 3DStudio Max, and the new driver will be used. Please note that when using the 3Dlabs Heidi driver under Windows 95 the following software components must also be installed: Direct X version 3 or later, and The Microsoft OpenGL binaries, opengl32.dll and glu32.dll. If using Permedia cards, the best performance can be achieved through running in 32768 color mode. If using GLINT cards, the best performance can be achieved by running in TrueColor. GLINT GMX boards should be used with OpenGL acceleration under 3D Studio MAX 2. Although 3D Studio MAX 1.x will run you will not obtain full acceleration with a Heidi driver.