-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stealth II G460 Windows NT 4.0 Drivers README.TXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is version 4.00.1381.0109 of the Stealth II G460 Series Windows NT 4.0 drivers. ATTENTION: This driver requires Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) installed. Installation Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You must have Windows NT 4.0 installed with the Standard VGA driver (640x480x16) before you install the Diamond Stealth II G460 Series NT drivers. If you are running a different graphics mode, please re- configure for Standard VGA. Installation Instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Windows NT 4.0 drivers contained on this SuperCD can be installed directly from the SuperCD. First you must have Windows NT 4.0 installed with the Standard VGA driver (640x480x16) before you install the Diamond Stealth II G460 Series NT drivers. If you are running a different graphics mode, please re-configure for Standard VGA. After rebooting in VGA mode run the START program from the SuperCD's root directory: X:\start.exe (Where X is the drive letter of your SuperCD drive). Follow the instructions to install the NT drivers and at the end you will be prompted to reboot your system. Note that the default installed resolution is 640x480x8, 60Hz. From this point on, you can change your resolution/color depth by using the Display Icon in the Control Panel. Select the "List All Modes" button. This will display all resolutions and refresh rates available. Please use the Test option so that you can confirm that the selected refresh rate and resolution is supported by your monitor. Features Added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. Problems Addressed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. Known Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. Contacting DIAMOND -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond can be reached in a number of ways. Information on how to contact DIAMOND can be found in the product documentation. All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-98, All Rights Reserved European Division (http:/www.diamondmm.de) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------