Stealth II G460, Windows 9x, README File Rel. 0798 This README file contains important information. Be sure to read this file BEFORE you continue with the installation. Diamond Multimedia will not accept responsibility for any possible damages that could result from failure to read the information in this file. 1. Version Notes 2. General System Requirements 3. New Driver Characteristics 4. Problems Solved with this Driver 5. Known Restrictions for this Driver 6. Additional Requirements 6.1 Windows 95 and AGP 6.2 Windows 98 and AGP 7. Notes about Monitor Selection 8. Support / Service / Latest Software 1. Version Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Driver for Windows 9x: InControl Tools 95: 4.03.161 This driver has earned the Microsoft "Windows Hardware Quality Lab" (WHQL) certification, ensuring compatibility and stability. It is compatible with Windows 95 and Windows 98. 2. General System Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- For your AGP graphics card, you need an Intel Pentium II motherboard with Intel 440LX or BX chipset. If your AGP motherboard is equipped with a chipset from another manufacturer, please read section 5 carefully. 3. New Driver Characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------- None 4. Problems Solved with this Driver ------------------------------------------------------------------- None 5. Known Restrictions for this Driver ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Motherboards with AGP chipsets from VIA, SiS and ALi VIA AGP Chipset VP3 The VIA VP3 chipset cannot be used with the Stealth II G460. VIA AGP Chipset Apollo MVP3 The VIA MVP3 chipset can be used with the Stealth II G460. You will need the AGP driver (vgartd) V2.6 from VIA ( You will also need Diamond Multimedia's driver version V4.10.01.1346, which will be available shortly. SiS AGP Chipset 5591 You will need to get an appropriately modified BIOS version from your motherboard manufacturer. From SiS ( you will need the AGP driver (vgartd) V1.2. ALi AGP Chipset M1541 Use the AGP driver (vgartd) that was delivered with your motherboard. 5.2 InControl Tools and Windows 98 If you choose to install the InControl Tools (ICT) 95 with Windows 98, you can start ICT later with a click on the red- and-white diamond in the task bar. The ICT Setup Wizard is no longer available with Windows 98. 6. Additional Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Windows 95 and AGP To take advantage of an AGP motherboard with your AGP graphics card, your system must satisfy the following requirements: - Microsoft Windows 95, Service Release 2.1 (OSR 2.1) must be installed. Service Release 2.1 is comprised of the OSR 2.0 plus the USBSUPP.EXE extension from Microsoft. This software is only sold by Microsoft as an OEM version together with hardware and is not available separately. - Microsoft DirectX 5 Runtime must be installed. You can get DirectX 5 from the SuperCD or from the Microsoft Web site: - A special AGP device driver (*.vxd) for your motherboard must be installed. We recommend that you install the driver that you received with your motherboard, usually on a CD. If necessary, ask your motherboard's manufacturer. If you have a motherboard with an INTEL BX or LX chipset, you can select such a driver during a custom installation; in general, these drivers should work with any INTEL BX or LX motherboard. Select the option "AGP Support". (This driver doesn't get installed in a standard installation!) If your AGP motherboard doesn't use an INTEL chipset, you must install the corresponding AGP device driver that was provided with your motherboard by its manufacturer. 6.2. Windows 98 and AGP Full AGP support is integrated into Windows 98. Windows 98 recognizes your AGP card automatically and independently installs any software required in addition to the Diamond drivers, so that manual installations are no longer necessary. 7. Notes about Monitor Selection ------------------------------------------------------------------- In order for you to get the most out of your graphics card, the monitor that you use should have performance specifications that match those of your graphics card. NOTE: Please adjust your monitor settings in the Display Properties dialog. ---- I M P O R T A N T ---- Use only settings for resolution and refresh rate that are supported by your monitor. Permanent damage to your monitor can result if you operate it for extended periods with settings outside its specifications. If you change monitors, be sure to compare monitor parameters and, if necessary, make appropriate changes! 8. Support / Service / Latest Software ------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out how to reach DIAMOND Multimedia, please consult the documentation that came with your product. Current information is available on our Web sites. EUROPE USA JAPAN All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-98, All Rights Reserved European Division ( -------------------------------------------------------------------