*********************************************************** DOS.TXT *********************************************************** INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THE SDMS 4.0 DOS DRIVERS This file describes the features and use of the Symbios Logic SDMS device drivers for the DOS operating system environment. It is divided into the following sections: Introduction When you need to load drivers Automatic Installation of SDMS for DOS Using the DOS Installation Utility About Your ASPI8XX.SYS Driver Features Description Installing Your ASPI8XX.SYS Driver Command Line Options Troubleshooting About Your SYMDISK.SYS Driver Features Description Installing Your SYMDISK.SYS Driver Command Line Options Troubleshooting About Your SYMCD.SYS Driver Features Description Installing Your SYMCD.SYS Driver Command Line Options Troubleshooting Important Additional Information For DOS Users Assignment of Drive Letters Using the SDMS DOS Utilities SCSI Low-Level Format Utility Host Adapter Flash Utility *********************************************************** ********************** Introduction ************************* In SDMS 4.0, the SCSI BIOS for the Symbios Logic family of PCI SCSI chips is capable of mapping SCSI hard disk drives behind any non-SCSI hard disk drives (IDE, ESDI, etc.) within the same system. A driverless solution will allow connection of up to 24 hard drives (SCSI and non-SCSI) under DOS 5.0 and above. Full Virtual DMA Services (VDS), including features such as scatter-gather, are also supported by the SCSI BIOS. Therefore, to gain maximum performance, you should disable any double buffer option provided by disk caching software (such as Microsoft's SMARTDRV.EXE) for all drives handled through SDMS. * When You Need to Load Drivers * Connecting peripherals other than hard disk drives requires loading the appropriate driver. Some of the drivers work together, and some are capable of direct communication with a Symbios Logic PCI/SCSI controller. ASPI8XX.SYS is an ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) manager which provides standard ASPI compatibility between your SCSI host adapter hardware and ASPI compatible applications. SYMDISK.SYS is a device driver for SCSI disk drives, and works through the ASPI manager. SYMCD.SYS is a device driver for CD-ROM drives, and works through the ASPI manager. The following sections list these drivers, their features, and their loading requirements. *********** Automatic Installation of SDMS for DOS *********** * Using the DOS Installation Utility * The Symbios Logic SDMS DOS installation utility provides a quick and easy method for performing either an automatic or custom installation of the SCSI device drivers in a DOS environment. It works with any system using an SDMS supported Symbios Logic SCSI chip. The installation utility identifies the system, scans the SCSI bus, and properly installs the needed SCSI device drivers. The SDMS Drivers diskette containing the DOS device drivers also holds the DOS installation utility. To use the utility, insert the disk into your floppy drive while in the DOS environment, and type: INSTALL Then follow the directions presented on the screen. When performing a custom installation, an understanding of the information presented in the following sections for manual installation may prove useful. *************** About Your ASPI8XX.SYS Driver ************* * Features * Supports Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (ASPI) applications Supports single-threaded I/O Supports up to four host adapters Releases initialization code for smaller runtime size Performs synchronous negotiation (including Fast-20) Performs Wide SCSI negotiation Full VDS (Virtual DMA Services) support, including scatter-gather Allows Disconnect/Reselect Supports adapter exclusion Allows shared interrupts * Description * ASPI8XX.SYS is an ASPI manager which provides an interface to popular ASPI applications. It is required when you want to use SYMDISK.SYS or SYMCD.SYS, or whenever you want to run an ASPI application. ASPI8XX.SYS replaces an SDMS BIOS (if present), and fully supports all devices supported by the BIOS. If an SDMS BIOS is not present, only an ASPI interface is provided. ************** Installing Your ASPI8XX.SYS Driver ************ 1. Use the COPY command to copy the ASPI8XX.SYS driver from the SDMS SCSI Drivers disk to your boot disk. 2. Add this line to your system's CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:[path]ASPI8XX.SYS This line must appear before any line loading other ASPI drivers (like SYMCD.SYS, SYMDISK.SYS, or any other ASPI compliant driver/application). * Command Line Options * The ASPI8XX.SYS driver has several configurable features which are set via switches on the command line in your CONFIG.SYS file. In the following descriptions, 'path' refers to the adapter number (boot order designation), and 'id' refers to the SCSI ID. The following conventions are also used: [ ] items in brackets are optional * means repeat item 0 or more times IMPORTANT: No spaces are allowed in specifying these command line options. Spaces are required between different command line options. Using the /ASK Option This option prompts you at system boot-up time whether to load the ASPI8XX.SYS driver. Option Syntax: /ASK For example, to activate this option, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /ASK Using the /WIDTH (or /W) Option The width parameter defines the maximum data width negotiated with a device. This is used with host adapters capable of 16-bit data transfers. Valid settings are 8 or 16. Option Syntax: /WIDTH=n[,n]* For example, if your first host adapter (boot order designation = 0) is a 16-bit adapter, and you wish to force 8-bit transfers to a device at SCSI ID 2, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /WIDTH=8<0:2> Using the /DISCONNECT (or /DC) Option SCSI devices have the ability to disconnect from the bus during an I/O transfer. This option is used to allow a device to disconnect. If a particular host adapter has parity checking disabled, all devices attached to it must have disconnects disabled, since parity is required during the reselection phase. Valid options are ON (allow disconnects) or OFF (do not allow disconnects). The default for all devices is ON. Option Syntax: /DISCONNECT=n[,n]* For example, to disable disconnects on the device attached to the first host adapter (boot order designation = 0) at SCSI ID 2, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /DISCONNECT=OFF<0:2> Using the /SYNCH_RATE (or /SR) Option This option sets the maximum synchronous transfer rate (in mega transfers per second) to negotiate with a particular device. The allowable values are 0, 5, 10, and 20, providing the host adapter is capable of the specified speed. To turn off synchronous transfers for a particular device, you should specify 0. The default value is the fastest rate supported by your host adapter. Option Syntax: /SYNCH_RATE=n[,n]* For example, to turn off synchronous transfers to the device attached to the first host adapter (boot order designation = 0) at SCSI ID 3, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /SYNCH_RATE=0<0:3> Using the /PARITY (or /P) Option This option tells your host adapter to disable the SCSI bus data integrity checking feature known as parity. Some SCSI devices do not generate parity. Valid options are ON (check parity) or OFF (do not check parity). The default for all devices is ON. Warning: When disabling parity checking, it is necessary to disable disconnects for that adapter since you cannot disable parity checking for reselection. If a device does not generate parity, and it disconnects, the I/O will never complete. Option Syntax: /PARITY=n[,n]* For example, to turn off parity checking on the first host adapter (boot order designation = 0), the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /PARITY=OFF<0> Using the /EXCLUDE (or /X) Option This option allows you to exclude support for an adapter that does not currently have BIOS support. You may not exclude an adapter that is supported (included) by the BIOS when you boot your system. This option has three required parameters: a. PCI Device ID b. PCI Bus Number c. PCI Device/Function Number These parameters identify the specific adapter you want to exclude. To obtain these parameters, boot your system using the /VERBOSE command line option (explained later in this section). The parameters for the adapter or path you wish to exclude will display on your monitor. Option Syntax: /EXCLUDE[,]* For example, if you found the adapter you wish to exclude to have PCI Device ID 3, PCI Bus Number 0, and PCI Device/Function Number 68, then the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /EXCLUDE<3:0:68> Using the /HOST_ID (or /ID) Option This option lets you alter the SCSI ID for a host adapter. On an 8-bit adapter, the SCSI IDs are 0-7. On a 16-bit adapter, the SCSI IDs are 0-15 (it is suggested that IDs 8-15 are not used for your adapter). This option will not allow you to select a SCSI ID already in use. Note: You are not allowed to change the SCSI ID of any adapter currently supported by the BIOS. Option Syntax: /HOST_ID=n[,n]* For example, to change the SCSI ID of your second host adapter (path=1) to ID=6 (providing that adapter is not controlled by the BIOS), the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /HOST_ID=6<1> Using the /SCAM Option This option allows you to disable support for the SCSI Plug and Play protocol called SCAM (SCSI Configured AutoMatically). SCAM support is ON by default. You may change the SCAM setting only if the path (adapter) specified is not controlled by the BIOS. Option Syntax: /SCAM=n[,n]* For example, to turn off SCAM support on the second host adapter (boot order designation = 1), the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /SCAM=OFF<1> Using the /TIMEOUT (or /T) Option The ASPI8XX.SYS driver uses a time-out mechanism to detect certain errors. When the driver issues a command to a SCSI device, a timer is started. If the timer expires before the command completes, the driver assumes something has gone wrong, and takes steps to recover. The default for this option is 10 seconds, if the device is BIOS controlled. If the device is not BIOS controlled, the default is 0 seconds. Also, non-volatile memory settings can alter these defaults. The maximum setting is 0, which is no time-out. The range of allowable values is 0-65535 seconds. Option Syntax: /TIMEOUT=n[,n]* For example, you might have a particularly slow device (with SCSI ID 3) on the first host adapter (boot order designation = 0). If you wish to extend the time-out for this device to 60 seconds, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /TIMEOUT=60<0:3> Using the /VERBOSE (or /V) Option This Option causes more detailed information to appear on your monitor, after the ASPI8XX.SYS driver is initialized, during a system boot. This is useful if you have multiple adapters in your system and need to know the PCI Device ID, the PCI Bus number, and the PCI Device/Function number for each adapter. For example, this information is required to use the /EXCLUDE option already described in this section. Option Syntax: /VERBOSE For example, to see more detailed adapter information displayed when you boot, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /VERBOSE * Troubleshooting * SYSTEM LOCKS UP AT BOOT TIME. a. Check for conflicts with other ASPI managers. b. Check for correct loading sequence in the CONFIG.SYS file. c. Boot the system. THE DEVICE DRIVER DOES NOT RECOGNIZE ONE OF THE NON-BOOT SCSI PERIPHERALS (system may lock up). a. Make sure the drivers were installed in the correct sequence. b. Make sure the driver's CONFIG.SYS line has the correct path to the drivers. c. Power down all units in the system. d. Make sure all SCSI devices have unique ID numbers. e. Make sure both ends of the SCSI bus are terminated. f. Check all cable and power connections. g. Boot the system. ************** About Your SYMDISK.SYS Driver ************ * Features * Supports removable media devices Supports magneto optical devices Supports non-512-byte sectors (1024, 2048, 4096) Supports multiple logical unit number (LUN) support Supports multiple host adapters (with ASPI8XX.SYS) Can reserve drive letters for installed devices without media present in the device (see /UNITS under Command Line Options) Can add drive letters Supports power management (to spin down drives) * Description * SYMDISK.SYS is needed when connecting drives with non-512-byte sectors, and when connecting removable drives if the user wants to change the media. It is also required to obtain drive letters for devices (adapters) that are not supported by a BIOS. SYMDISK.SYS communicates through ASPI8XX.SYS. To use the SYMDISK.SYS driver you must load ASPI8XX.SYS also. ************ Installing Your SYMDISK.SYS Driver ************ 1. Use the COPY command to copy the appropriate drivers from the SDMS SCSI Drivers disk to your boot disk. 2. Add the lines shown below to your system's CONFIG.SYS file. The ASPI8XX.SYS driver is also required. List the drivers in this sequence: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS * Command Line Options * The SYMDISK.SYS device driver has several embedded functions which are accessed via switches on the command line. These options are described below, and use the following conventions: [ ] items in brackets are optional * items in brackets followed by an * means repeat 0 or more times | choose one of the given items IMPORTANT: No spaces are allowed in specifying these command line options. Spaces are required between different command line options. Using the /ASK Option This option prompts the user at system boot-up whether to load SYMDISK.SYS or not. To use this option, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMDISK.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /ASK Using the /UNITS= Option Note: It is strongly suggested that you use this option when using removable media with more than one partition. SYMDISK.SYS allows the use of removable media, such as cartridge hard drives, each of which might have a different number of partitions. If media with more than one partition are used, set this option to the maximum number of partitions on any one media. To use this option, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMDISK.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /UNITS=path:id:lun:num_units [,path:id:lun:num_units]* For example, if there is a removable media drive at the first host adapter set to SCSI ID 2, and you need to reserve three partitions, the command line should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /UNITS=0:2:0:3 When SYMDISK.SYS initializes, it will default to either: a. One drive letter for a removable media device with no media present. b. The number of partitions found on the media in the removable media device. Note: The full path, id, lun, and num_units values are required for this option. Also, there is a limit of 24 devices. Using the /EXCLUDE= Option This option allows a user to exclude a 'path:id:lun' combination from being scanned or controlled by SYMDISK.SYS. The path parameter is mandatory with all ids and luns for that path excluded by default if just the path is specified. To use this option, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMDISK.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /EXCLUDE=path[:id[:lun]] [,path[:id[:lun]]]* As an example, for path 0, id 2, and lun 0 the command line should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /EXCLUDE=0:2:0 Note: There is a limit of 24 'path:id:lun' combinations allowed. Using the /SSIZE= Option SYMDISK.SYS will default to the largest sector size found during boot, handling all different sector sizes found. In the case of removable media, SYMDISK.SYS will assume a 512 byte sector size when no media is present. This option overcomes this limitation. To use this option, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMDISK.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /SSIZE=512|1024|2048|4096 For example, if a removable media drive is used that has a sector size of 2048 bytes, the command line should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /SSIZE=2048 Note: If SYMDISK.SYS comes across a sector size larger than the one specified in this option, or if it finds a sector larger than the default, it will refuse to read/write to that media. It will report an invalid media error to DOS. Using the /SPINDOWN= Option This is a power management feature that can automatically spin down a disk when the disk is not accessed for a specified amount of time. The default spindown time is 15 minutes. You can specify a new spindown time in hours and minutes (hh:mm) with a minimum time of 1 minute. To use this option, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMDISK.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /SPINDOWN=hh:mm [,hh:mm] For example, if you wish to spindown a device on path 0, id 2, and lun 0, after one hour and five minutes of inactivity, the command line should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /SPINDOWN=1:5<0:2:0> Or, if you wish to spindown all devices after the default time-out of 15 minutes, the command line should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS /SPINDOWN=<> Remember, the <> are required when you specify a path:id:lun in this option. * Troubleshooting * THE COMPUTER LOCKS UP AND WILL NOT COMPLETE BOOTING FROM A NON-SCSI HARD DISK DRIVE. a. Refer to the drive manufacturer's user manual. THE COMPUTER LOCKS UP AND WILL NOT COMPLETE BOOTING FROM A SCSI HARD DISK DRIVE. a. Is the SCSI BIOS seen during boot? Note: If the SCSI BIOS is seen during boot, a banner similar to the following appears: Symbios Logic SDMS (TM) v4.0 PCI SCSI BIOS, PCI Rev. 2.0, 2.1 Copyright 1995 Symbios Logic PCI-4.02.00 YES Go to b. NO Power down all units in the system. Remove all SCSI cables. Boot system. Is the SCSI BIOS seen during boot? YES Power down all units in the system.? Reconnect and check all cable and power connections. Boot system. Go to a. NO Power down all units in the system. Reseat the host bus adapter. Check CMOS setup. Boot system. Go to a. b. Does the SCSI BIOS see the bootable SCSI drive? Note: When the computer boots, SDMS scans the SCSI bus. Devices found on the SCSI bus are identified as in the following lines: HA ID LUN VENDOR PRODUCT REV ------------------------------------------------------------- 0 2 0 SEAGATE ST31230N 0060 0 7 0 Symbios SYM53C815 0003 YES Go to c. NO Power down all units in the system. Make sure the hard drives have different ID numbers (boot drive should have lowest ID). Make sure both ends of the SCSI bus are terminated. Check all cable and power connections. Check CMOS setup. Boot system. Go to a. c. If boot is still unsuccessful, go to the following item. THE DEVICE DRIVER DOES NOT RECOGNIZE ONE OF THE NON-BOOT SCSI PERIPHERALS (system may lock up). a. Make sure the drivers were installed in the correct sequence. b. Make sure the drivers' CONFIG.SYS line has the correct path to the drivers. c. Power down all units in the system. d. Make sure the hard drives have different ID numbers (boot drive should have lowest ID). e. Make sure both ends of the SCSI bus are terminated. f. Check all cable and power connections. g. Boot the system. *************** About Your SYMCD.SYS Driver ************** * Features * Compatible with Microsoft's CD-ROM Extension 2.21 and above Multi-session Photo CD support Support for reading CCDA disks * Description * SYMCD.SYS is needed whenever a CD-ROM device is connected on the SCSI bus. You must load it in conjunction with Microsoft's CD-ROM Extension 2.21 or above (MSCDEX.EXE). SYMCD.SYS communicates through ASPI8XX.SYS, so you must load ASPI8XX.SYS to use SYMCD.SYS. ************* Installing Your SYMCD.SYS Driver ************* 1. Use the COPY command to copy the appropriate driver(s) from the SDMS SCSI Drivers disk to your boot disk. 2. Add SYMCD.SYS to your CONFIG.SYS file. It goes in after ASPI8XX.SYS and SYMDISK.SYS (if this driver is also being used), in this order: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMDISK.SYS DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMCD.SYS /D:NAME Note: The /D: is not a drive letter designation; it indicates the name you wish assigned to your CD-ROM. You must include the NAME, which can use any combination of up to 8 characters. 3. To insure that sufficient drive letters are available to identify all devices connected to the SCSI bus, add the MS-DOS LASTDRIVE command to the CONFIG.SYS file: LASTDRIVE=x with x specifying a drive letter in the range C through Z. The letter assigned to LASTDRIVE represents the last valid drive MS-DOS is able to recognize and also represents the maximum number of drives available. For example, LASTDRIVE=K allows access to eleven (11) logical drives. For further details about LASTDRIVE, consult your MS-DOS manual. 4. Unless your CD-ROM access software specifies otherwise, Microsoft's CD-ROM Extension (MSCDEX.EXE) should execute from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in order to access your drive. Add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: [PATH]MSCDEX /D:NAME For example, if: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMCD.SYS /D:MY_CD is in CONFIG.SYS, then: [PATH]MSCDEX /D:MY_CD should exist in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 5. Check installation instructions for the CD-ROM drive itself for other parameters necessary to include with MSCDEX. 6. When MSCDEX is loaded during the AUTOEXEC.BAT file execution, a message is returned assigning a drive letter to the CD-ROM drive. For example: DRIVE E = DRIVER MY_CD UNIT 0 This informs you that the CD-ROM drive is recognized and ready for use. * Command Line Options * The SYMCD.SYS device driver has several embedded functions available, which are accessed via switches on the command line. An explanation of these options follows: IMPORTANT: No spaces are allowed in specifying these command line options. Spaces are required between different command line options. Using the /ASK Option This option prompts the user at initialization time whether to load SYMCD.SYS or not. For example, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMCD.SYS would look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMCD.SYS /D:MY_CD /ASK Using the /UPTOLUN= Option This option is used to support multiple LUNs per Target ID on the SCSI bus. It is needed to support CD-ROM changers that hold several CDs at one time, such as the Pioneer DRM604x. For example, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMCD.SYS would look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMCD.SYS /D:MY_CD /UPTOLUN=x where 'x' is in the range of 0 to 7. It uses LUN 0 through LUN x to assign a separate drive letter for each of the x+1 CDs in the CD magazine. The SYMCD.SYS driver defaults to supporting LUN 0 only. Using the /NOBCD Option This Option is used to support the Trantor Music Box CD audio application. Using this option prevents the track numbers from being converted to BCD (Binary Coded Decimal). If this option is used with CD audio applications such as Adaptec's cdplayer, Corel's cd-audio, or Future Domain's cdaudio, track numbers >16 are not reported correctly because these applications require binary track numbers.For example, the line in CONFIG.SYS that loads SYMCD.SYS would look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]SYMCD.SYS /NOBCD * Troubleshooting * THE CD-ROM DRIVE IS NOT SEEN AT BOOT TIME, OR THE SYSTEM LOCKS UP. a. Make sure the required drivers are installed and in the correct sequence. b. Make sure the driver's CONFIG.SYS line has the correct path to the driver. c. Make sure MSCDEX, in the AUTOEXEC.BAT, has the same drive name as the CD-ROM driver in the CONFIG.SYS file. d. Make sure there is no ID or drive letter designation conflict. e. Power down all units in the system. f. Check the cable and power connections. g. Make sure the SCSI bus is properly terminated. h. Make sure sufficient drive letters are specified (through the MS-DOS lastdrive= command) to include your CD-ROM. A CD-ROM which uses multiple disks requires a letter for each disk. ********* Important Additional Information For DOS Users ******** * Assignment of Drive Letters * The MS-DOS operating system assigns drive letters to primary partitions first. After the primary partitions have been assigned drive letters the logical partitions are assigned drive letters. Do not assume that the drive letter designations will follow consecutively from device to device within a PC system. An Example: A PC system is configured with an IDE hard disk as the boot drive, a SCSI hard disk, and a CD-ROM drive. The IDE drive has three partitions: one primary and two logical. The SCSI hard disk has two partitions: one primary and one logical. The SCSI hard disk is assigned ID one, and the CD-ROM is ID four. The distribution of the drive letters is: A: 3 1/2" floppy drive B: 5 1/4" floppy drive C: IDE primary partition D: SCSI primary partition E: IDE first logical partition F: IDE second logical partition G: SCSI logical partition H: CD-ROM ************ Using the SCSI Low-level Format Utility ************ * Features * Works with any ASPI host adapter Provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Supports multiple adapter/drive selection Supports multiple LUNs Supports Wide SCSI Provides automatic error retry Provides on-screen display of time elapsed * Description * This utility allows you to low-level format SCSI hard disk drives connected to Symbios Logic PCI to SCSI host adapters. It provides a friendly graphical user interface (GUI), and help is available for any decision screen by pressing F1 or selecting Help in the window. Three files, located on your Symbios Logic SDMS drivers diskette, are required to run this utility. They are labeled ASPIFMT.EXE, ASPIINF.DAT, and ASPI8XX.SYS (you may use another ASPI manager). It is recommended that you place these files on a DOS bootable diskette, and run the executable file from this diskette rather than from a hard disk drive. This minimizes the possibility of interfering with your system. Because a hard drive remains unusable after a low-level format until you execute the DOS FDISK and FORMAT command procedures, the CONFIG.SYS file on this bootable diskette must also contain the DOS files FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.COM. If you are formatting magneto optical or other removable media drives you also need the SYMDISK.SYS driver from your Symbios Logic SDMS drivers diskette in the CONFIG.SYS file. The recommended minimum memory requirement for this utility is 2 MB. At least 500 KB of conventional DOS memory, and the remainder in extended memory. When you run the format utility, it scans the SCSI bus for all hard disk and removable media drives. Then it generates a display showing the devices found. You may select devices from this display for the utility to format. It can take from several minutes to several hours, depending on the size of the drive, to complete the format. If the format procedure is aborted for any reason, the drive remains unusable until an entire format cycle is completed. WARNING: Use extreme caution when selecting a drive for formatting. The format process completely removes all information on a drive. * Troubleshooting * FORMAT DOES NOT COMPLETE AND SYSTEM IS FROZEN a. Check to see if the drive still has power. b. The only way to terminate the program is to reboot. If the format did not complete, the drive remains unusable until a low-level format is completed. AN UNKNOWN STATUS CODE IS RECEIVED FOR A MAGNETO OPTICAL DRIVE a. Check to see if the media is present. THE UTILITY SCREENS ARE UNREADABLE a. Check that your graphics card and your monitor match. For example, an SVGA card, and a VGA monitor may not deliver the screens. ************* Using the Host Adapter Flash Utility **************** * Features * Supports host adapter selection for updating with a specific BIOS image Supports 64K flash parts * Description * This utility allows you to update the BIOS image for the Diamond FirePort family of PCI SCSI BIOS host adapters. The utility is labeled FLASHDMD.EXE, and is located on your FirePort drivers installation diskette. It is necessary that you place this utility on a DOS bootable diskette, and execute it from this diskette rather than from a hard disk drive. Power down any hard disk drives attached to the host adapter you are updating.