------------------------------------------------------------------ If you cannot read all the text and you are reading this in NotePad, click Word Wrap on the Edit menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________________________ ***Be sure to cut out the Special Upgrade Offer for a $20 savings when you upgrade to Micrografx Webtricity - Mind Blowing Graphics For The Web! - Webtricity extends the power of Picture Publisher 7 and Simply 3D 2, adding exciting Interactivity with Designer 7 and QuickSilver 3, VideoCraft GIF Animator, and MapThis Image Map Editor. Additionally, Webtricity includes a variety of extra 3D catalogs with hundreds of 3D objects and textures, along with 45,000 other clip art images. ________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------- Installing Picture Publisher 7 on Windows NT 3.51 ---------------------------------------------- A Service Pack 5 has been issued by Microsoft for NT3.51 that fixes a number of problems with that operating system. The problem affects how applications install, specifically as it relates to the system registry. Windows NT3.51 (Service Pack 5) allows Picture Publisher 7 to be installed correctly. The Service Pack 5 must be installed first. If it is not, you may have problems in Picture Publisher 7 with special effects and Wizards, causing the program to crash (due to the registry fixes in Service Pack 5). Incorrect "available hard drive space" information -------------------------------------------------- If you are running the Windows 95 Service Pack #2 and using the Fat32 file system to format a hard drive larger than 2 gigabytes(gig), the installation of Picture Publisher 7 will report an incorrect number for the available hard drive space. Filenames --------- Files whose combined pathname and filename exceed 128 characters may not be detectable or accessible by Picture Publisher 7. This includes many file types including application components, data files, clip art, palettes, etc. If this occurs, make sure the filename (including the path) is less than 128 characters. Double-byte character sets -------------------------- Picture Publisher 7 supports double-byte character sets. This means that if you run any of our programs on the Chinese or Korean versions of Windows 95, you can use native non-English character sets. Virus checkers -------------- Virus checkers installed with "strict" checking prevent installation programs from copying files to the hard disk until the checker has scanned the files. If you have a virus checker on your system, disable the checker or set it to a different mode before installing Picture Publisher 7. About fonts ----------- Windows requires that fonts be installed to the same drive where Windows is located. If your computer's hard drive is set up as more than one drive (for example, drive C: and drive D:), you can choose to install Picture Publisher 7 to any drive, but you must have enough space available for fonts on the drive that contains Windows. About graphics -------------- Picture Publisher 7 does not support CMYK JPEG images. Although most CMYK JPEG images produce a "not supported" message, some images cause the application to stop responding. ------------------------------------------------------------ Where to Find Help ------------------------------------------------------------ Online Help -- The Picture Publisher 7 context-sensitive, online help system is designed so you can easily find the information you want. Using the new Windows 95 help system, it's easier than ever to find exactly what you're looking for with a few mouse clicks. Technical Support -- Micrografx offers a number of technical support services for Picture Publisher. Please call (972) 234-2694 for further information regarding fee-based support options, fax support, and online services. Web Site -- You can contact Micrografx through our World Wide Web site on the Internet. Our Web address is http://www.micrografx.com. Online Services -- Micrografx maintains forums on America Online and CompuServe so that you can exchange information with other users, download information about new products and services, and read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). Locate the keyword MGX on America Online or type GO MICROGRAFX on CompuServe to access the forums. ------------------------------------------------------------ About Picture Publisher ------------------------------------------------------------ * You can install Kodak's Color Management System (CMS) software through the Micrografx installer. Choose the Custom setup option, and then from the Select Components dialog box, highlight Picture Publisher and click Details. Choose Color Management System and click Continue. Follow the instructions on screen for the remainder of the installation. Installing the Color Management System installs a selection of the most popular transforms in a folder named KPCMS\DCPDB on drive where Windows is installed. If the KPCMS folder is not found there, you can locate it by checking the KPCMS.INI file in the Windows folder. If you do not find a KPCMS.INI file in the Windows folder, reinstall the Color Management System. Besides the transforms installed by the Micrografx installer, other transforms are available on the CD-ROM in the KODAK, HP, 3M, EPSON, OPEN, JAPAN, CANON, and TEKTRNIX folders. To install these transforms, copy them to the KPCMS\DCPDB folder. After any transform file is added or deleted, delete the UID.DAT file. Then enable color management by opening Picture Publisher, selecting it in EDIT/TOOLS/OPTIONS, and clicking APPLY. You can remove CMS transforms that you have installed by deleting their files in the KPCMS\DCPDB folder. The transform files have the extension *.pt and can be identified by examining the contents of the file. After any transform file is added or deleted, delete the UID.DAT file. Then enable color management by opening Picture Publisher, selecting it in EDIT/TOOLS/OPTIONS, and clicking APPLY. Contact Kodak for purchasing other transforms. Call (800) 75-COLOR for details. * To use the Send Binary PostScript option in the Print dialog, you must also have Tagged binary communications protocol checked in the Advanced dialog of the PostScript Tab located in the printer's Properties dialog. You can only set this option from Control Panel or Printers (in the Settings flyout of the Start menu). * Do not install KPT 3.0 or any other 32-bit plug-ins in the same folder as your 16-bit plug-ins. You must install 32-bit plug-ins in a different folder. * PhotoShop files with transparent backgrounds are not supported. * Running third party plug-ins in a macro may cause the application to stop responding. * Regenerating Andromeda plug-ins through the Command List may cause your system to stop responding. * Alien Skin 2.0 plug-ins may cause your application to stop responding if the Object selected doesn't fill up the Alien Skin preview window. In addition, some of these plug-ins may not work on masked areas. Contact Alien Skin for upgrades to correct these problems. * The Picture Publisher Image Viewer only works if you install Quick View. To install Quick View, go to Control Panel, run Add/Remove Programs, and change to the Windows Setup Tab. Select Accessories, click Details, and select Quick View in the Components list box. To use the Picture Publisher Image Viewer, right-click on a file type supported by Picture Publisher in the Explorer and select View from the shortcut menu. * For more information on Kodak Color Management, please contact Kodak for their book "Managing Color with Micrografx Picture Publisher." You can reach Kodak at (800) 752-6567. * You can only run Picture Publisher special effects on images greater than 256 colors. If the Image\Effects menu is grayed out you must first convert the image to an RGB by going to the menu Image\Convert to\RGB color. * Additional animated cursors are available as .ani files in the Picture Publisher folder. To change the new animated cursor (camera) to one of the old animated cursors, rename the pp70.ani file to something else to save it, and then copy the beachball or clock .ani file to pp70.ani. * To display the K channel after importing a CMYK TIFF file, click Setup Print Style under File/Setup Printer and choose a Black Generation Map. * Picture Publisher does not support CMS profiles built using the Kodak Input Profile Builder 3.3. * Do not set the tablet to a specific place in the tablet. Use the whole tablet, not portions picked by the wintab driver. * When docking a custom toolbar at the bottom of the window with the status bar, make sure that the toolbar rectangle is on the top or bottom portion of the status bar. Docking directly in the middle of the status bar causes the toolbar to be docked as a tiny sliver at the right side of the status bar. If this happens, undock the toolbar by dragging the tiny sliver into the work area. * Using the HP 820Cxi print driver, a centered image will not always print in the center of the page. * Picture Publisher 7 PPF files containing Command Center information will not load correctly into Picture Publisher 6.0. * Images created by the Kodak DC25 Digital Camera open inverted by Picture Publisher. To correct this problem, open the Image menu and choose Invert. * Non-wintab tablets are not fully supported by Picture Publisher. * Picture Publisher does not support 32-bit compressed TIF files saved in Simply 3D. * Picture Publisher does not support CMYK Targa files. * If you are using a tablet, pressure sensitivity turned on with brush size is not available with some brush tips. * Registry entries: You can change these items in the Registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micrografx\Picture Publisher\7.0\Settings to modify the program's behavior. To turn off hi-resolution rebuild when you paste low-resolution data into a hi-resolution image, change the following entry in the Registry: NoHiResRebuild=0 to NoHiResRebuild=1 You can disable the warning dialog box for read-only files. Picture Publisher defaults to warning dialog boxes appearing when you try to open or save to a read-only file. You can modify the following entry in the Registry file to do this: WarnReadOnly='Number' 'Number' can either be 1 which is ON, or 0 which is OFF. The setting is ON by default. Windows NT specifics: The Use Printer Screening option in the Print dialog causes the image to print incorrectly in NT. The image will print correctly if this option is turned OFF.