Software in this directory has been built and tested only on Ubuntu 11.04. For updates, other Linux distribution support - visit and

For your video network, you need one instance of airVision and at least one airVision-NVR. Multiple airVision-NVR instances may be installed on different machines to distribute camera monitoring and analysis load.

We strongly suggest using Ubuntu 11.04 server installation instead of desktop.

Installation - airVision

sudo dpkg -i airvision_*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
The latter step is required if the dependencies have not been met.

Installation - airVision NVR

If your machine uses Ubuntu 64bit (uname -m would report x86_64):
sudo dpkg -i 64bit/libsys-mmap*.deb
sudo dpkg -i 64bit/airvision-nvr*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
For 32bit Ubuntu installation:
sudo dpkg -i 32bit/libsys-mmap*.deb
sudo dpkg -i 32bit/airvision-nvr*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f