
Intel® Ethernet FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet)  is designed for the 82599 and X540-based 10 Gigabit family of PCI-Express server adapters. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, known issues and troubleshooting tips for installing and booting the system using these adapters.

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is defined as the encapsulation of standard Fibre Channel (FC) protocol frames as data within standard Ethernet frames. This link-level encapsulation, teamed with an FCoE-aware Ethernet-to-FC gateway, acts to extend an FC fabric to include Ethernet-based host connectivity.  The FCoE specification focuses on encapsulation of FC frames specific to storage class traffic, as defined by the Fibre Channel FC-4 FCP specification. FC is a market-leading technology used to create Storage Area Networks (SANs). 

Data Center Bridging (DCB) is a collection of standards-based extensions to classical Ethernet. It provides a lossless data center transport layer that enables the convergence of LANs and SANs onto a single unified fabric. In addition to supporting Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and iSCSI over DCB, it enhances the operation of other business-critical traffic.

FCoE VN to VN Support

Key Terms

The following table defines key VN2VN terms:

N_Port A device port that generates/terminates FC-4 channel traffic
ENode (FCoE Node) A Fiber Channel node (FC-FS-3) that is able to transmit FCoE frames using one or more ENode MACs
FCoE_LEP (FCoE Link End-Point) The data forwarding component of an FCoE Entity that handles FC frame encapsulation/decapsulation, and transmission/reception of encapsulated frames through a single Virtual Link
Lossless Ethernet network An Ethernet network composed only of full duplex links, Lossless Ethernet MACs, and Lossless Ethernet bridging elements
Virtual Link The logical link connecting two FCoE_LEPs
VN_Port (Virtual N_Port) An instance of the FC-2V sublevel of Fibre Channel that operates as an N_Port (see FC-FS-3) and is dynamically instantiated on successful completion of a FIP FLOGI or FIP NPIV FDISC Exchange
VN_Port MAC address The MAC address used by an ENode for a particular VN_Port

What is VN to VN?

FCoE VN toVN support, also called VN2VN, is a new proposal standard by T11 for connecting two end-nodes (ENodes) directly using FCoE. An ENode can create a VN2VN virtual link with another remote ENode by not connecting to FC or FCoE switches (FCFs) in between, so neither port zoning nor advance fibre channel services is required. The storage software has to control the access and security of LUNs using LUN masking. The VN2VN fabric may have a lossless Ethernet switch between the ENodes. This will allow multiple ENodes to participate in creating more than one VN2VN virtual link in the VN2VN fabric. VN2VN has two operational modes: Point to Point S(PT2PT) and Multipoint.

NOTE: The mode of operation is used only during initialization.

Point to Point (PT2PT) Mode

In Point to Point mode, there are only two ENodes, and they are connected either directly or thru a lossless Ethernet switch::

VN2Vn Support - PointToPoint

MultiPoint Mode

If more than two ENodes are detected in the VN2VN fabric, then all nodes should operate in Multipoint mode:

VN2VN Support - MultiPoint

Enabling VN2VN in Microsoft Windows

To enable VN2VN in Microsoft Windows:

  1. Start Windows Device Manager.
  2. Open the appropriate FCoE miniport property sheet (generally under Sorage controllers) and click on the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the VN2VN setting and choose "Enable."

Installation Overview

For information on system requirements see System Requirements.

  1. Install FCoE-capable adapters in the system. For a list of supported adapters, see Supported Adapters.
  2. After following the installation and configuration procedures, if you are having problems, refer to Known Issues.

FCoE Infrastructure - Installation and Configuration

The following is a typical FCoE setup flow:

  1. Typical FCoE-Enabled Fabric Switch Configuration
  2. If you want to Boot from an FCoE LUN
  3. Install Operating System
  4. Configure Intel® Ethernet FCoE/DCBx