Settings - Overlay / Preview
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Check one of the radio buttons and select a combination of the following settings:

Overlay Mode: Using the hardware overlay of the DTV 2000, TV/video is displayed directly to your monitor. The maximum possible display window size for using the overlay mode depends on the capture driver that you are using. Which capture driver is used in your system depends on the installed graphics card.

Preview Mode: TV/video frames are transferred from the DTV 2000 via the system memory to your monitor. In this mode you can display your TV/video in any display window size. However, you may see a blocky video appearance and/or distorted motion display.

Use overlay mode and scale video window to fit the window margins
Use preview mode and scale video window to fit the window margins

Your TV or video display is adjusted to the size of the currently open Windows TV/IN window.
If you resize your TV/IN window the TV/video display is adapted accordingly.
Note that, depending on your PC, display in overlay mode may not be available for larger window sizes.

Toggle from scaled overlay mode to scaled preview mode at the following window size

Check this option and define at which size of your TV/IN window you want to switch automatically from overlay mode to preview mode and back when resizing your TV/IN window. Note that, depending on your PC, display in overlay mode may not be available for larger window sizes.

Use overlay mode and show video window only in the current capture size
Use preview mode and show video window only in the current capture size

Set the size of your TV or video display to your currently selected capture size. (To change your capture size use the Format settings in the Capture Movie or Capture Frame dialogs.)
If you resize your TV/IN window, TV/video still displays in the previously set size.