DTV 2000 Troubleshooting

Your board is a complex electronic device and can only be repaired by authorized technical personnel with the required equipment. Do not attempt to change or repair any parts of this product. Doing so will render your warranty invalid.

Contact the DIAMOND ExpertLine for the latest troubleshooting tips.

If you experience a problem using the DTV 2000, there are three possible causes of your problem:

Note: Before contacting the Technical Support run the diagnostic program in your Diamond program group if you experience problems using the DTV 2000.

DTV 2000 is not properly installed.

Check to make sure that DTV 2000 is properly seated in its PCI slot and that all input and output cables are firmly and correctly connected to the DTV 2000. For more information, please see the DTV 2000 Installation Instructions.

DTV 2000 drivers are not correctly installed

Check to make sure that all software is correctly loaded. For more information, please see Installing Software for DTV 2000.

Your DTV 2000 includes the Digital Video Diagnostic program, which is also installed in your Diamond program group when you install DTV 2000. The diagnostic program will determine if your DTV 2000 drivers are correctly installed.

Your PCI graphics card and/or the corresponding drivers and/or the DirectX drivers are not installed or not correctly installed

Check the documentation and software that came with your graphics card and make sure that the graphics card is properly installed and that all drivers are completely installed. Check also, if the DirectX 3 (or higher) drivers are completely installed.

Note: Your DTV 2000 works only with a properly installed PCI graphics card in your computer and DirectX 3 drivers installed. The software installation utility automatically installs appropriate DirectX drivers to your system.