Diamond Tech Info - Hintergrundinformationen

An increase in the performance of desktop computers, at much reduced prices, has created a demand for desktop computers. Consumers of PCs are bewitched by images of stunning, computer generated 3D graphics through the popular entertainment mediums and are expecting similar experiences on their own machines. A plethora of innovative new 3D graphics subsystems will enable average computer users to see real time, real world 3D graphics on their desktop machines. These new accelerators off load the computationally intensive tasks of 3D graphics from the host CPU, and provide functions in hardware that can be used to generate effects that add realism to computer generated images.
While initially the demand for 3D graphics will be in entertainment and multimedia applications, business applications will benefit directly too. Professional applications such as CAD, and multimedia authoring also demand real time 3D performance. The base performance level for 3D graphics on the desktop is being driven up, and the result is that many workstation applications are successfully migrating to the PC platform. 3D is uniting creation and playback on the same platform.

3D graphics puts more information on the screen than 2D, and will change the way people interact with computers. Real time 3D is an essential element of the information age, and will make navigating the Web a much easier task then it is today.

Figure 3: The 3D pipeline

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