
The Status page provides up-to-date information about the Monster Sound hardware. Monster Sound supports up to 23 audio streams (sound enhancement) which can be formatted and rate converted, 3D processed (using A3D), and digitally mixed on the card. The result is a superior quality PC sound, without impeding your system's performance.

The DSP (Digital Signal Processing) meter displays the current DSP load. The load increases with demands on the DSP. Additionally, the amount of DSP memory being used is also shown; as the DSP gets busier, more DSP memory is consumed.

The DAC (Digital Analog Converter) meter indicates the level of audio being delivered to the outputs (speaker devices) of the Monster Sound card. If the card is in Stereo or Stereo x2 mode, one DAC meter is displayed. If in quad mode, two meters are displayed with the second representing the back channel output. Also displayed is the total number of open audio streams (up to 23), and out of those, how many are 3D audio streams.

Click on the Sound Recorder button to bring up the Windows 95 sound recorder. The Sound Recorder provides the following options:

Click on theVolume Control button to open your Windows 95 sound mixer. You can also access the mixer by double-clicking on the speaker icon on your Windows 95 taskbar. The Volume Control provides the following options:

Should an error condition occur on the Monster Sound hardware or drivers, a yellow warning icon will appear in the Monster Sound utility, replacing the Diamond icon.

These are non-fatal errors. To resolve, just click on the "Clear Warning," and the system will correct itself. If the error persists, please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual.