Monster 3D On-line User's Guide

Monster 3D brings the arcade into your PC. 3D graphics for games and games only. Based on the state-of-the-art 3Dfx Voodoo 3D accelerator, Diamond Multimedia's Monster 3D works with your existing graphics card to transform your ordinary, unassuming computer into a monstrous gaming machine. Monster 3D will transform any Direct3D game for Windows 95 into a reality all its own. Using the supplied pass-through cable, Monster 3D patiently waits for your normal VGA card to finish its boring word processor jobs. Then, when you are ready for a heart-pounding adrenaline rush, start a Direct3D game or a DOS game accelerated for 3Dfx, and your PC roars to life in a blitz of color, motion and depth. Monster 3D is one of THE FASTEST 3D ACCELERATORS available!

How to Read this Manual

About Monster 3D

Installing Monster 3D

Installing Monster 3D Software

Uninstalling Monster 3D

Monster 3D Display Utilities

How to Contact Diamond

Fast Track to Diamond Technical Support


3D Dictionary

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