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AGP for the Business User

So much is made of how AGP will improve 3D graphics in games that we often lose sight of the fact that it actually helps to improve overall system performance in many ways. For business users who are interested in price/performance, efficiency, and improved productivity, AGP has much to offer.

  • AGP is a dedicated graphics port. By taking the graphics off the PCI bus you remove one of the biggest contenders for PCI bandwidth. This doesn't just mean another free PCI slot in your computer. It also means that your network adapter, your disk controller, your modem, and any other number of PCI devices work more efficiently.
  • AGP graphics make visual computing affordable and ubiquitous. Even AGP graphics boards with 2 Mbytes take advantage of all of the features of the Pentium II and AGP. Although you may not find the ultimate gaming platform on every business users desk, you will find all of the 3D functionality of AGP available in these systems, albeit at lower specifications and cost.
  • AGP graphics boosts 2D and digital video performance. By accessing system memory directly, an AGP graphics board improves the overall throughput of 2D graphics and digital video.
  • Upcoming releases of Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 will have full optimization for AGP. Operating system support will help to ensure that applications in the enterprise will benefit fully from the extra graphics performance that Pentium II and AGP systems bring.

One disadvantage of AGP is that you will not be able to upgrade from your PCI system to an AGP system without changing your motherboard or buying a new Pentium II and AGP PC. The good news is that this is the next generation in PC technology and you will find affordable Pentium II and AGP systems from all the major PC manufacturers on the market.

Initially, the measure of AGP's benefits in a business environment may not be as clear cut as they are for games enthusiasts, but the improvements will be there, and all of the system's graphics will see enhanced performance as a result.

Diamond's AGP solution for business users
(Detailed Product Information)

Make our Stealth II G460 your choice for your office PC. With the Intel740 AGP 2X graphics chip and 8 MB of graphics memory, you get a graphics card perfectly tuned for your Pentium II AGP system. You'll have a tough time finding a better combination of price and performance.

Our Viper V330 AGP isn't just an excellent gaming board. It also delivers excellent performance in demanding office applications to help you increase your productivity.

The Stealth 3D 4000 is the first AGP board of the famous Stealth series.


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What is AGP? | Glossary of AGP Terms | AGP FAQ
AGP for Games Enthusiasts | AGP for the Business User | AGP for the Professionals
Diamond's AGP Products | Intel's AGP Homepage