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HotTips for Monster 3D Series:

Monster 3D II: If the driver tab is missing in "Device Manager" for the Monster 3D II or the tabs in "Display Properties" are grayed out, the driver is not installed correctly.

Follow through:

  • Delete the Monster II out of the "Device Manager" and click on "Refresh"
  • Windows fill find a "New Hardware" and will install the Monster II once more
  • Windows will ask for a "Direct X5 Installations disc" and you have to insert the SuperCD and change to directory "D:\Install\Digvideo\Monster3D2\Win95".
  • If Windows asks to install a "MDII.exe" just skip the file
  • Windows does a restart

After following the procedure the drivers should be installed correctly and the driver tab should be showing.

The Monster 3D II doesnŽt work with the game "Incoming" ?

You have problems between the Monster 3D II and "In Coming" when you use a Cyrix processor. Please install the patch file 686_P.EXE, youŽll find it in our "Tech Support Tools & Utils" file area or you can go to

"HotInfo": Monster 3D II and FIFA 98: The game is cancelled at half-time.

We have tested this ourselves and concluded that it is a programming mistake made by the game manufacturer. There is now a patch available: Please see at, section "Patches".

May I use the new Monster 3D II in my system together with the primary ISA-, VL-, or PCI-graphics card?

Yes - the Monster 3D / Monster 3D II as an additional 3D graphics card can be used with any primary ISA-, VL- PCI- and AGP-graphics card.

But - it makes no sense to run a card like this in slow machines because you get no better game performance regarded by the "Monster" games.

So - To use the Monster 3D II a 166MHz CPU is ok. But with such a CPU the performance difference to a Monster 3D is as good as not visible. To see the performance of Monster 3D II, we recommend at least a CPU with the performance of a P2 300 MHz.

After installation of the driver update 1.09, or of the DirectX 5 drivers, the Monster 3D is not recognized under Multimedia but under Audio-Video-Game-Controller as 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Board.
Is this normal?

Yes, due to the Installation of DirectX 5 the Monster 3D will be recognized as 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Board.
If you install now the .inf file from the Monster 3D 1.09 driver, the card will be recognized as Monster 3D again.

Does the Monster 3D support DirectX5?

  • If you have a Monster 3D and DirectX5 installed you need our new driver version 1.09 that supports DirectX5.
  • If you have DirectX 3 or NO DirectX installed: please use drivers version 1.08, as version 1.09 requires DirectX5.
  • If your game requires DirectX 5, the DirectX 5 runtime installation package should be delivered with the DIAMOND SuperCD. If not, you can download it from the Microsoft Web Site .

Some Open-GL versions of games like Hexen II, Shadows of the Empire, etc. seem not to run with Monster 3D ?

You need a patch file for the 3Dfx Voodoo chipset, install the latest WinGlide version (2.42) on your system.

What should I do: My game (DirectX/3D) doesn't run on my the Monster 3D board?

There ist a tool "3D Control Center" (Freeware) 3DCC0697.EXE, that allows you to define the Monster 3D as the 3D graphics output (second device).

Note, sometimes you are not able to run a game in 800*600 with the Monster 3D card.

These games require a 6 MB accelerator card (e. g. "Shadows of the empire").

Monster 3D & Matrox graphics boards: Your game runs on your Matrox board, instead of your Monster 3D? There are system crashes?

1. Please ensure, that you are using the latest motherboard BIOS, the latest BIOS of the Matrox board and the latest Matrox drivers.

2. Deactivate "3D Acceleration" on your Matrox board (Powerdesk).

3. Make a clear difference between the memory addresses of your Matrox board and the Monster:
Matrox uses E000 0000-E0FF FFFF -> Set Monster to FB00 0000-FBFF FFFF.

Monster 3D: Error message "..DESK.CPL.." when using motherboard with Cyrix processor?

This message is a result of an incorrect hardware detection of the system processor.
There is a patch 686_P.EXE available (for more information see 686_P.TXT, and also 686_P.EXE is a utility that tricks Windows 95 into thinking that it is running on a Pentium for games that think the 6x86 is a 486. Put it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Can I use the Monster 3D with DirectX5 ?

To use the Monster 3D with DirectX 5 games we recommend you use the following procedure:

  • Install DirectX 5 from the CD with the DirectX 5 game, over your Monster drivers.
  • The Monster drivers will now be replaced by Microsoft DirectX 5 drivers, but we recommend using the DIAMOND drivers instead of these Microsoft drivers.
  • So, reinstall the DIAMOND Monster 3D drivers v1.08 again, over the MS DirectX 5 drivers.

Remarks: If you only use DirectX 3/3a games, you will have no advantage with DirectX 5. In this case we recommend you stick to DirectX 3a. However, DIAMOND is currently working on DirectX 5 specific drivers, to support all up-coming DirectX 5 games.
Our new DIAMOND products like the Fire GL 1000 Pro and Viper V330 will already have DirectX 5 drivers included.

Monster 3D: My games only run under DOS using a refresh rate of 60 Hz I want to use a higher refresh rate?

Install the current drivers Rel. 1.08 and select in the configuration menu for frequency: "Apply to DOS", or add the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
SET SST_SCREENREFRESH=x, where x = 60, 75, 85 or 120 (Hz)

Monster 3D or FIRE GL 1000: Refresh rate is 60 Hz at least?

Note, that Win 95 must be configured for the correct monitor.
To do this select "Control Panel" > "Display" > "Settings" > "Change Configuration" > "Change Monitor" > " Select Monitor".
Contact your monitor manufacturer for monitor .inf files, if your monitor is not listed try selecting a similar monitor.

Monster 3D: Which games support 3Dfx acceleration?

MS-DOS games must support DOSGlide.
Windows95 games must support Direct 3D or WinGlide.
Please note our 'List of supported 3D Games': M3DGAME2.EXE

If these 3D-driver APIs are not mentioned in the game‘s specification, there is no real 3D hardware acceleration capability available or you only have the 2D version of this game. Ask your dealer or the game manufacturer for a 3D version or for a 3D patch/update.

Please note the following web address of 3Dfx Interactive for 3D-games patches:3Dfx Interactive, Inc./Patches.

Incorrect monitor display when starting some games?

Monster 3D: Before starting the game load FXREMAP (in compressed file S3FIX).

HotTips for Other Graphics Boards:

What should be noted when installing any AGP board?

Windows 95: For Windows 95 please note, that version Win 95 OSR 2.1 (C version) with USB support is installed on the system. In some cases it may be necessary to install special motherboard drivers. There will be an unavoidable conflict with PCI-Hostbridge, but this conflict causes no problems.

Windows NT 4.0: Windows NT 4.0 does not support AGP functions. However, AGP boards may be installed under Windows NT 4.0. Please note, Service-Pack 3 must be installed on the system, otherwise problems may occur when installing the AGP board.

You need more infos? See also the DIAMOND AGP FAQ and .

Do you have problems with your Viper V330 in connection with Tomb Raider II ?

On the following Homepage you receive the Patch file for your game:

There are Windows 3.11 drivers for Viper V330 available?

Yes, version 1.05 - release 1297. Available via Internet and the Diamond BBS.

After installation of the Viper V330 I only get a black screen and my system beeps?

This problem can be occure if the Viper V330 is configured on IRQ 9.
Change to the motherboard bios and configure the Viper V330 on IRQ 10, 11 or 12 . If you have an Award bios set the option "Assign IRQ for VGA" on enabled!

Does Viper V330 support OpenGL in Windows NT and Windows 95?

"Yes and No" ! The latest driver version supports OpenGL under Windows NT 4.0. In Windows95 OpenGL will be accelerated with the next driver release (end of `97).

If you use a Fire GL 1000/2000/3000 in a multiprocessor system under Windows NT 4.0, the drivers may seem to install properly, but after restarting the system, Windows NT starts in VGA mode only.

Solution: Set in your 'Registry' the value of the variable 'UseBiosAdresses' from 0 to 1.
You'll find this entry in section 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\glint\Device0'.

PLEASE NOTE: Diamond Multimedia advises you to back-up your REGISTRY before making any changes !

Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro-TV - Optimising the TV-Display

In MS-DOS mode you will get the best display from your PC output to your TV, when using the following colours: grey background, blue or black font:
If it doesn’t already exist, add into your C:\CONFIG.SYS the following line:
To get blue font at grey background add in your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT:
PROMPT $p$g$e[0;47;34m] (black font: 30m)

In Windows 95 the colours may be configured in the "Control Panel" - "Display Options":
For DESKTOP, WINDOWS and BACKGROUND select light grey.
the FONT should be "bold".
On principle you should always aim for a high, but not too strong contrast between background colour and font colour, to be able to easily read the Windows 95 text outputs on your TV.

FIRE GL Series: If you have installation problems or conflicts with other PCI devices (e.g Adaptec) check your motherboard bios for the latest revision!

Monster 3D or FIRE GL 1000: Refresh rate is 60 Hz at least?

Note, that Win 95 must be configured for the correct monitor.
To do this select "Control Panel" > "Display" > "Settings" > "Change Configuration" > "Change Monitor" > " Select Monitor".
Contact your monitor manufacturer for monitor .inf files, if your monitor is not listed try selecting a similar monitor.

How to measure the performance of Fire GL 1000 with 3D Studio Max?

3D Studio Max has a sample file called "Gearduck.max."

This sample is an animation of a rubber duck that gets ground up between two gears. Run the animation in preview mode and measure the time. It should run twice as fast with 3D hardware support as with software support.

Important: In the "Time configuration" the "Real-time" option should not be selected; "PAL" should be selected for Frame Rate.

On a Pentium Pro 200 the duration should be approx. 60 sec. if Z-Buffer is set in File | Settings | Driver | Select driver. It should be approx. 30 sec. if the board's Heidi driver is used (GLINT hardware activated).

Errors with Microsoft Game Device Software?

When using the Stealth 3D 2000 Pro Windows 95 driver and the Microsoft game device software ( you may encounter errors when closing the Microsoft software.
Turn off GDI ACCELERATION from the DISPLAY PROPERTIES - INFORMATION tab and restart Windows 95. The errors will not appear.

NB. Try this workaround for any software giving errors in Windows 95 while using the Stealth 3D 2000 Pro drivers.

User Defined Monitor in Win 95B (OSR/2)

The ‘User Defined Monitor’ option within the Diamond Windows95 GT Driver may not trigger the Diamond Monitor Wizard when used with Microsoft Windows 95 OSR/2.

To solve this simply choose USER DEFINED MONITOR as the Monitor type. Click on START then RUN and type:
C:\Program Files\Diamond\InControl Tools 95\Dmmonwiz.exe.

The monitor wizard will now appear so you can input your monitor’s refresh rates.

"Clean"the Win 95 Device Manager

Windows 95: If problems occur with the configuration of your graphics drivers start Windows 95 in "Safe Mode" (press key F8 on bootup of the computer).

When Windows95 has finished loading go to "Control Panel" > "System" > "Device Manager" and delete all display driver components, then restart Windows 95.

"Flickering" monitors?

For FIRE GL 1000 users there is a special tool VBETUNE.EXE available for "flickering" monitors under MS-DOS, especially when using ASUS motherboards: VBEGL1_2.EXE.

Incorrect monitor display when starting some games?

Monster 3D: Before starting the game load FXREMAP (in compressed file S3FIX)
FIRE GL 1000: Before starting the game load VBETUNE (in compressed file VBEGL1_2.EXE)

HotTips for Modems/ISDN:

I use my modem as fax and have only one phone line. How can I avoid that my modem too fast take up ?

Write in Hyperterminal the AT code ATS0=x (x= ringing number), save the configuration with AT&W and ATZ.

NetCommander ISDN: How do I obtain a 128k connection on Windows 95?

In order to gain a dual channel connection:

  • Install the ISDN Accelerator pack 1.1 (included in Microsofts DUN upgrade 1.2)
  • Install the ACOTEC WAN Miniport driver, which is available on the NetCommander installation CD.
  • Make a new Dial-Up Networking connection using ACOTEC ISDN channel 0.
  • Right click on the new connection and go to properties.
  • In the Multilink tab, select "use additional devices" and add the ACOTEC ISDN channel 1.
  • Now when making a Dial-Up Networking connection using the ACOTEC ISDN channel 0, a 128k transfer can be established.
  • You can then check the connection speed by double clicking on the Dial-Up Networking icon on the task bar.

Connecting with my SupraExpress Modem via Dial-Up Networking of Win95, I always get a connect rate of 115200 bps. Is my modem really that fast?

The connect rate of 115200 bps eg. 57600 bps just shows the DTE speed between the modem and the PC. This rate is a preselection in the modem-configuration of the dial-up networking. To get the real connect rate of the modem (DCE), go to the Modem Properties/ Configure/ Connection/ Advanced/ and add the command ATS95=1 to the Extra settings.

A Modem customer needs an initialization string for using the internet, as he often looses the connection. Where the AT commands can be entered and which AT command should be used?

In "Control Panel" - "Modem" - "Properties" - "Connection" - "Advanced Settings" there is a field: "Extra Settings": AT commands can be entered here.

Add the command ATS10=n (n=1-255), which changes the time the modem waits for a carrier to return before disconnecting.
Default value is 14, use a value between 14 and 255 (test several values).

NetCommander: Windows 95 problems and Capi Tester reports "Error Layer1" or "cannot register appplication"?

  • Check your BIOS settings for Interrupt Control, for example: IRQ5=legacy or ISA (in device manager you should use for the NetCommander the same IRQ (i.e. IRQ5)
  • If Capi Tester reports "cannot register application" the NetCommander should be removed from Device Manager / Network Adapter and when restarting the system Windows 95 should detect the new hardware and NetCommander should be reinstalled.
  • For experts only: The Netcommander could be removed from your Registry by removing the following two entries:
    - NETWORK ENTRY: We recommend to check the entry for its existence, you should better remove it via Device Manager.
    - ISA-PNP-ENTRY: you may remove it manually.

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentConrolSet\Services\Class\Net\000X in "DriverDesc"=" DIAMOND Multmedia Net Commander/EC ISDN Adapter (DSS1)"

** stands for a special NetCommander (device ID).

NetCommander: Layer 3 error when running ACOTEC`s CAPI test program.

The Layer 3 result indicates the wrong protocol has been selected.
This error can be caused by either
- the incorrect D-channel protocol (DSS1, 1TR6, VN3, NTT - depends on the country, example: DSS1 for EuroISDN, VN3 for France,..) or
the incorrect B-channel protocol (RNA, X75 or V120 - depends on the application, example: RNA for Dial Up Network, X75 for HyperTerminal,..).

NetCommander: Dual ISDN channel issues (to get 128k transfer rates)
Download the Microsoft Dial Up Network Update v1.2 (includes the MS ISDN Accelerator Pack):

Modems and Multi-player Games:
There are three factors normally required for a successful multi-player connection: the correct COM port, initialisation string and port speed.

If all of these are correct but no connection can be made it is advisable to lower the port speed (both ends) until a connection can be established.

Diamond external Modems SupraExpress 336e Series: Missing disks (Legacy Install Disk, WinICU Disk) ?

In your modem manual the disketts named "Legacy Install Disk" and "WinICU Disk" (see page 6) are not part of the package as described. These disks are only intended for internal modems used under Win 3.x or DOS.

To install the external modem under Win 3.1x please proceed as follows:
- Connect it to the desired serial port
- Select this COM-port in your application
- Select your modem (or choose a similar speed Supra/Diamond modem) from the modem list (note: this modem list is not available in all applications).

To install your modem (external or internal) under Win95 please proceed as follows:
- When the system detects the modem (`New hardware found.` message) you will be asked to insert the manufacturer disk.
- Insert the Modem Utility Disk in your disk drive. Win95 copies the .inf file to your system and your modem will now be displayed in the "Control Panel" under "Modems".

Supra Modems: You get no connection when dialing via a phone switch?

Use the ATX3 command to set dial mode (see modem manual): ATX3 Ignore dial tone; send CONNECT XXXX result codes; send BUSY if busy signal detected.

SupraExpress 28.8/33.6 (internal/external)
Windows95B OSR2 - Installation of "Modem Utility Disk"

MODEM UTILITY DISK does not have a driver for the WAVE DEVICE FOR VOICE MODEM. When modem is originally installed/connected Win95 OSR/2 (B) will find the modem and the wave device as two separate devices. Once restarted Windows95 will redetect the WAVE DEVICE but will not find a driver. A yellow exclamation mark will be placed to the left of the WAVE DEVICE FOR VOICE MODEM line in SOUND, VIDEO & GAME CONTROLLERS within DEVICE MANAGER. Windows95 original retail release (A) does not have this effect.

  • To fix - When you restart Windows95 after the modem installation the WAVE DEVICE FOR VOICE MODEM will be detected again and no driver will be found on the MODEM UTILITY DISK.
  • Click on the NO, SELECT DRIVER FROM LIST radio button and then the NEXT button to proceed.
  • From the list displayed select Microsoft as the MANUFACTURER and "Rockwell Voice Modem Serial Wave Device (Microsoft ) [12-20-1996]"as the MODEL (Make sure you select this driver version and not the earlier one).
  • Click on the FINISH button to end the driver selection.
    To make sure the changes are in effect, restart Windows95.

HotTips for FirePort:

FirePort 40: YouŽve installed a new SCSI Hard drive, and have Fdisk and formatted it, but now you canŽt access the hard drive?

This may appear as an invalid drive specification, even though Fdisk can see the drive.
Solution: The Device is incorrectly terminated. Double check the termination (please refer harddisk manual).


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Last modified: 06/04/98 12:56