FAQ's - Tips & Tricks from our ExpertLine

FAQ's are "frequently asked questions", answered by our DIAMOND ExpertLine. Our FAQ's are sorted by application, product, or product group / technology.

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Viper V330: You installed the Windows 3.11 Driver (available since SuperCD Version 1/98). After installation the only situation you get is a blinking cursor or the startup screen of Win 3.11. Then the system hangs.

Possible Reason:
You optimized your memory with Memmaker (Dos 6.xx) and in your CONFIG.SYS is the following entry:

Device=c:\dos\emm386.sys NoEms Highscan F000H-F7FFH F800H-FFFH 

(address may differ).

Delete this part of the entry:

Highscan F000H-F7FFh F800H-FFFh

After you did that, the system should work fine again.

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Last modified: 06/05/98 10:28