Using Monster Sound Software Utility

Diamond's Monster Sound utility program allows you to tune and monitor your configuration so you can enhance and intensify your 3D audio experience. This utility will come up in the lower right-hand corner of the Windows 95 taskbar. If it does not appear, you can run the utility from the Start Menu:

  1. Click on Start, then navigate to Programs.
  2. Navigate to Monster Sound.
  3. Now select Monster Sound.

This will start the utility and the Diamond Note will appear on the taskbar. Click on the links below to explore each aspect of your Monster Sound software utility.

The Status page will provide you with information regarding Monster Sound's current state. The status displays the current DSP load and DSP memory utilization. Watch the DAC's real-time 4 channel VU meter come to life! Also shown is the current total number of open audio streams, including the number of 3D streams, and the current output.

The Config page allows you to configure Monster Sound to your particular speaker or headphone setup. This page is useful because Monster Sound renders the audio differently depending on your output device, whether it be external speakers, speakers built into the PC monitor, or headphones. The Config page also allows you to run a test to verify proper output configuration.

The 3D Audio page gives you access to the A3D Demonstration applets. These applications will introduce you to the awesome experience that is possible with Diamond's Monster Sound and Aureal's A3D technology. This page also allows you to enable or disable the A3D Splash logo and sound.

The DSP page describes the currently running DSP image, and allows you to change or refresh the image to the DSP. Future updates of this image will allow you to upgrade your Monster Sound without buying new hardware.

The Preferences page allows you to customize the Monster Sound Utility options and the CODEC rate.

How To...

Set Output To Headphones

Set Output To Monitor Speakers

Set Output To External Speakers

Configure for 4 Speakers

Set the Output Mode

Enable and disable A3D Notification

Run Demo Applications


The Status page provides up-to-date information about the Monster Sound hardware. Monster Sound supports up to 23 audio streams (sound enhancement) which can be formatted and rate converted, 3D processed (using A3D), and digitally mixed on the card. The result is a superior quality PC sound, without impeding your system's performance.

The DSP (Digital Signal Processing) meter displays the current DSP load. The load increases with demands on the DSP. Additionally, the amount of DSP memory being used is also shown; as the DSP gets busier, more DSP memory is consumed.

The DAC (Digital Analog Converter) meter indicates the level of audio being delivered to the outputs (speaker devices) of the Monster Sound card. If the card is in Stereo or Stereo x2 mode, one DAC meter is displayed. If in quad mode, two meters are displayed with the second representing the back channel output. Also displayed is the total number of open audio streams (up to 23), and out of those, how many are 3D audio streams.

Click on the Sound Recorder button to bring up the Windows 95 sound recorder. The Sound Recorder provides the following options:

Click on theVolume Control button to open your Windows 95 sound mixer. You can also access the mixer by double-clicking on the speaker icon on your Windows 95 taskbar. The Volume Control provides the following options:

Should an error condition occur on the Monster Sound hardware or drivers, a yellow warning icon will appear in the Monster Sound utility, replacing the Diamond icon.

These are non-fatal errors. To resolve, just click on the "Clear Warning," and the system will correct itself. If the error persists, please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual.


The Config page allows you to configure Monster Sound to match your hardware environment.

Out 1 - Allows you to select which device is connected to your Monster Sound Output 1 connector.
Out 2 - Allows you to select which device is connected to your Monster Sound Output 2 connector.
Your device choices for Out 1 and Out 2 are:

4 Channel Mode - Allows you to set the output mode for Monster Sound. The choices include:
Preferred - When both outputs are connected, this setting allows you to select which output device is preferred for playing 3D audio. This is an important feature because Monster Sound tailors the 3D algorithms to match the device type: headphones, external speakers, or speakers built into the PC monitor.
Note: You can only change the preferred device when in Stereo x2 mode. If you are connecting four speakers to your system, connect the front speaker pair to Out 1 and the back speaker pair to Out 2.

Test - Click on this button to perform an audible test of your output configuration.

When you have finished configuring your device selection, click on Apply, then click OK.


If you have one pair of speakers or one set of headphones attached to your Monster Sound card, the output mode will automatically default to the Stereo setting on the Status page of your Monster Sound control panel. This setting is appropriate for playing mono, stereo, or 3D audio through your speakers or headphones.

Stereo x 2

This setting causes the same stereo image to be played out both output connectors. This is the best setting to drive both headphones and speakers at the same time. If you have four speakers hooked up, then mono and stereo sounds (including CD audio wavetable) will be played out of all four speakers.

Note: 3D audio will not operate properly in the Stereo x2 setting with a four-speaker configuration. (See Quad below).

The Stereo x 2 setting is displayed on the Status page of your Monster Sound control panel.


If you have two pairs of speakers attached to your Monster Sound, you may set the output mode to Quad. This setting causes Out 1 and Out 2 to be driven independently of each other. Quad mode allows 3D audio to be rendered to the four speakers for true positional accuracy.
Note: Mono and stereo sounds (CD audio, wavetable, and mono or stereo .wav files) will only play out of the front speaker pair attached to Out 1.

The Quad setting is displayed on the Status page of your Monster Sound control panel.

3D Audio

The 3D Audio page allows you to experience the effects of real 3D sound!

A3D Demos - Click on a demo button to activate a 3D audio demonstration.
The Helicopter, Race Track, and Killer Bees demonstrations place you into a virtual world through which you can maneuver using the mouse or arrow keys. The 3D Player demo allows you to select and move sounds around you in 3D space.

For more information on how to operate a particular demo, select help from within the application.

Note: For best results, run only one A3D demonstration at a time.

Enable A3D Splash - Choose this option to activate the A3D splash screen and sound.
This screen appears whenever a A3D application starts up, informing you that what you're about to experience is the ultimate in truly interactive 3D audio on your PC.

Note: The use of the A3D Splash can cause some applications to lose focus and be placed in the background or the Taskbar on startup. Disable the A3D splash to fix this problem.


The DSP page provides information about the software program, or image, running on the Monster Sound DSP. The DSP image controls the different audio processing functions, like digital mixing and A3D sound.

Obtaining new DSP images from Diamond Multimedia Systems allows you to extend or add features to your Monster Sound without having to buy new hardware.

DSP Images - This feature allows you to select a DSP image to view or to download to the DSP.

Image Details - This box provides pertinent information about the currently selected DSP image, including provider, revision number, and a brief description.

Refresh - Click on the Refresh button to restore the current DSP Image to the Monster Sound DSP. This will be necessary only if a problem exists and the Monster Sound audio is not operating properly.

Please see the Troubleshooting section for more information.


The Preferences page allows you to choose which Monster Sound preferences you want to activate.

The preferences are:

The Codec Rate allows you to select the parameters which effect the performance and quality of your audio. You have three preferences to choose from:

The Monster Sound software can support multiple card installations. In this case the Preferences page will display additional information.

Sound Blaster emulation - Select the Monster Sound card to use with Sound Blaster emulation, or select Disabled to turn emulation off. Only one card in the system can be selected to provide Sound Blaster emulation. You should select Disabled if you already have a Sound Blaster compatible device in your system.

Note: You can only select this feature if you've installed the Sound Blaster Emulation during setup.

Monster Sound selection - Select the card you wish to view within the Monster Sound utility. The selected card number will be displayed at the top of each page. All configuration information and actions apply to the selected Monster Sound card.

Setting Output to Headphones

Choose "Headphones" as the Audio Output on the Config page of the Monster Sound control panel. 

Use this setting when listening through headphones to optimize the 3D effect. Note that the higher the quality of the headphones, the better the 3D effect.

CAUTION! Always use caution when listening to audio with headphones. Because of the proximity of the headphones to the eardrums, loud audio or unexpected loud sounds emitted from the headphones could cause damage to your hearing. Due to the dynamic nature of digital audio on the PC and the possibility of system problems, extra caution is advised!

Setting Output to Monitor Speakers

Choose "Monitor Speakers" as the Audio Output on the Config page of the Monster Sound control panel. 

Use this setting when listening through stereo speakers that are built into your PC's monitor or monitor stand, since they are positioned within a narrow angle (approximately 15 degrees) relative to the listener. Note that the 3D effect will be most pronounced when sitting centered, in front of symmetrically placed speakers. Additionally, using higher quality speakers tends to provide a better 3D effect. If your speakers contain any kind of 3D stereo enhancement mode, we recommend that you deactivate it, as it might interfere with the positional 3D audio effect.

Setting Output to External Speakers

Choose "External Speakers" as the Audio Output on the Config page of the Monster Sound control panel. 

Use this setting when listening through stereo speakers that are positioned at the sides of your monitor or desktop PC. Usually, such speakers are free-standing, approximately 30 degrees from each other. Note that the 3D effect will be most pronounced when sitting centered in front of symmetrically placed speakers. Additionally, using higher quality speakers tends to provide a better 3D effect. If your speakers contain any kind of 3D stereo enhancement mode, we recommend that you deactivate it, as it might interfere with positional 3D audio effects.

Configuring for 4 Speakers 

On the Config page of the Monster Sound control panel choose "External Speakers" as the Out 1 and Out 2 devices, and select "Quad" as the 4 Channel Mode. Click on the Test button to test your configuration.

When using 4 speakers with Monster Sound, place your speakers in a square pattern with the front left/right pair placed on either side of your monitor, and the rear left/right pair placed behind you. The spacing between speakers is not critical, so it is not necessary to form a perfect square pattern. You will, however, need to adjust the volume of each speaker so that you get a uniform audio level while sitting in front of the monitor.

Enable and Disable A3D Notification

When an A3D-enabled applicaton is detected and started, a splash screen with a splash sound is played. Uncheck the "Enable A3D Splash" box on the 3D Audio page in the Monster Sound utility to deactivate the notification.

Running A3D Audio Demo Applications

Several A3D demo applications are included with the 3D Audio Control Panel. Click on the appropriate buttons to run the demos.

Stereo Output Modes

You can (make or) check the output mode settings on the Status page of the Monster Sound control panel.