Monster Sound MX 100 On-line User's Guide

Monster Sound is setting the standard for next-generation PC-audio technology. Utilizing the fast PCI bus, Monster Sound delivers high-quality audio coupled with truly immersive and interactive positional 3D sound.

For the ultimate audio experience, up to 23 independent audio streams can be played simultaneously. Monster Sound uses state-of-the-art A3D technology to deliver total in-your-face 3D audio, audio that goes way beyond traditional 3D stereo enhancers to actually position sound around you in 3D space.

Monster Sound accelerates and enhances applications developed for Microsoft’s DirectSound standard. As a result, all of your DirectSound and DirectSound3D games will run faster and sound better than ever before.

Monster Sound is configurable to work with your current setup - 2 speakers, 4 speakers, or headphones. Monster Sound also incorporates a hardware wavetable engine and a variety of advanced audio features that will deliver the cutting-edge sounds of tomorrow to your desktop today!  

About Monster Sound

Installing the Monster Sound Software

Installing the Monster Sound Card and Drivers

Using Monster Sound Software Utility

Using Monster Sound with Sound Blaster/Sound Blaster Compatible Sound Cards

How To ....



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